Fast Safe Anonymous
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DescriptionFor more games, visit goodolddownloads.com Quote:/\ ____ __ / \ __ ____ \ \ / /\ _______/0DAY\_______ / \ / / \___\_/_/ \._) / GAME \ /(_./ _\/___/ \ | \ /GAME.iSO\ (_ \ / / \__. \ /\\______//\ \ / .__/ <_> _ __/ \eBOOKs/ \__ \ / / _________ \ \ / MUSiC \ /ViDEOS \ / / ________ /DARKSiDE/\_____\___\_/_________\/_________\/___/____/\ ASCii \ ./ FAMiLY / \-----\-\-\\\-\/-._( )_.-\////-//----/ \ BY: h!\. _\_______/ TRiSTAR - TRUTH.TRUST.LOYALTY.FRiENDSHiP \____._/_/__ // \ \_____ __ \_. \ \\\/// / ._\-----------------/\__|/ \ \. \ \. \__. \ \ \_/ \\\\//// \ \________ ACE \/\/__/\/\ \ |____\_____ \_\ \ \\/\/\// __/ __. \_RELEASES \\\\/\ \ \ // /\_________ /\\ \/ // / / /_ _______ \ \ \ \ // /\ / / / _\ \/ /_ / /_______\ REALLY!\ / \ | \ //___\ \ / /___________ ___/ \ / \__ __ \___/ / /--/\____/ | \ \/\/ /_________ ( \_ \ \____\ \/ /_____/ /__) .________/ | |((((() | \ \ \/ \ \_( (___\\ \ / /__) )_/ / \ / / / / | \. \___________. \_)______) \/ (______(_/ .___________\/__/./ / | |-=DARKSiDERS'18=- \/______/ \______\/ THiS TiME | | /| / `\__________ WE PRESENT YOU _________| |_/ |_| /_________/\ /\___________/ _/ \ \.\"--[ iNTERNAL ]--"/./ \/ \."-" " " "". h!\ . iNteRnaL gEm: Zen-Ichi.iNTERNAL-DARKSiDERS __/\ ___/ dAte oF iNt pRe: 16/01/2018 : oRigiNaL dAte: 30/12/2004 deVeLoPeR: EquinoxDevelopment| GaMe GeNrE: Shoot Em Up pLaYEr cOunT: 2P simultaneous| pAcKeR: dadwithoutwings .=-" " " "-=. . ."---". . ."---". . : - - : - - - - II =b- "-[ iNT NOTES]--" -d= | int cuz game is freeware.. but is ace one with way | :: too little attention. so we thought maybe prein it :: .. bring this great gem to bigger audience. .. .. .. . game bein freeware, dont let it fool ya! cuz is . : great title that rivals commercial shmups easily! : .| Equinox Development website: http://mna.net/equinox/ |. . . :E- -3: E3 "--" | - - | : - - : . - - . - - -- - - "-[ABOUT GAME]--" - - -- - - - - | - - - | : : Developer's comments: | . Equinox Development presents the first shooting game. : It is a vertical-scrolling shooter set in the future. | . Orthodox vertical scroll shooting, but anyway, it's all flashy! . As the name implies, I conceived it in the sense : that I aim for a game that all players can enjoy. | . : Neko thinks it's one of the best, very fun! Top music & cool gfx too | - -- |- -| .--- - - - - - --- | "--[DARKSiDERS]--" | - - - - . | - - - DARKSiDERS FAMiLY iS STiLL LOOKiN FOR LOYAL MEMBERS --------------------------------------------------- . | - CRACKERS (mostly 0day appz and game customs..also apps ofc) : : | . - CODERS (now hot is someone who could code good packers/unpackers) CAN YOU CODE: Cracktros, Trainers, Unpackers for weird containers? . if even you say "yes" to one on top listed, we are rly interested! | . . - SYSOPS, BOX OWNERS, PPL ON FAST LiNES | . we are in need of dump site for internal usage, also vpn bnc etc! | . - SUPPLiERS OF ANYTHiNG ALMOST! .jp STUFF iS A PLUS - MOViE, MUSiC, XXX and EBOOK SECTiONS ALSO NEED THE OBViOUS dUh! [email protected] - -- |- -| : - - : : - - : | - - | II b- "--[!GREETiNGS]--" -d " " | GREETS FROM WHOLE FAMiLY FOR FOLLOWiNG | : : . . . CRD BEAN DARKAUDiO PRESCRiPTiON JAVSiDERS . . . . dbOOk ANiHLS ANiURL MEGASOFT ALL OUR SiTES . : : TiTAN BLOCKTRONiCS TEXTMOD.ES E- -3 E3 "--" | | : : . . | | : : . . Trackers
Torrent hash: 0BC0F2141DBD31E5D05356C1A76EEA2A1005EC64 |