Your Uninstaller Pro 7.4.2012.5 MULTI KEYGEN
Uninstall Windows applications easily and completely!
A good uninstaller can make a difference in your computer’s performance by cleaning all the entries of the software in question.
Applications that are not properly uninstalled can leave behind traces that clutter the registry, thus severely slowing down your system and before you know it, you need a Windows reinstallation.
To postpone this last resort solution as much as possible, you need to get your hands on a decent uninstaller, such as Your Uninstaller PRO.
This software makes it look like the software you uninstalled via its algorithms never even existed on your system. It achieves this by performing an in-depth scan of the system and by detecting all entries belonging to the uninstalled software, thus leaving your computer registry free of unnecessary or corrupt items.
The elegant and intuitive interface displays all the installed programs in a list from which you can individually select and remove software. Even with a simple task as uninstalling, Your Uninstaller! offers several options.
One of them is "Advanced Uninstall". If the application encounters any problem in trying to remove the respective software, it will notify you with the exact issue, so that you can fix it.
With "Quick Uninstall", the tool will automatically remove the specific software, along with adjacent registry entries. If you select the plain "Uninstall", you will be prompted by a window with four uninstall modes: built-in (the standard uninstall process), safe (includes built-in mode and it's the quickest way to uninstall while scanning registry files on simple level), normal (includes safe mode, plus an extended registry scanning, and it's slower than safe mode), and super mode (includes normal mode, plus a complete scan on traces left in Windows; the slowest but most efficient mode).
Besides its basic functions, Your Uninstaller! Also packs a Startup Manager (allows users to control the items that load at Windows boot), a Disk Cleaner (which is very fast, effective, and alerts you whenever a file can't be removed because it's currently in use), a Start Menu utility (offers the possibility to fix shortcuts and rearrange them), a web browser Trace Eraser (works for Internet Explorer only) and a File Shredder (securely and permanently deletes files).
An awesome feature of about Your Uninstaller! is that it automatically creates a restore point before attempting to uninstall an application, just in case anything goes wrong. If it does, then you can later select Windows' System Restore and reverse changes.
All things considered, Your Uninstaller! performs nicely and leaves you with a perfectly clean system, as if nothing was ever installed on it.
Here are some key features:
· Remove programs that could not be removed by Add/Remove Program
· Advanced Uninstall mode to fix Microsoft Installer problems
· System wide scan for unused files and registry keys after normal uninstall
· Hunter mode uninstall, hunts the programs and kill/uninstall/delete them
· Groups installed applications with various groups
· Never uninstall "must have" applications (options)
· Shows all applications installed on your computer with different views
· Uninstalls screen savers
· Built-in Disk Cleaner helps you find and remove unnecessary files on your disk to save space and make computer faster!
· Built-in Trace Eraser removes surfing traces so no one knows your hobby
· Built-in IE Context Menu Cleaner cleans the context menu of Internet Explorer
· Built-in take full control of Window startups
· Built-in helps you keep your Start Menu clean
· Backup and restore installed-applications
· Powerful "Type and Go" search feature allows you quickly find the program you are about to uninstall
· Detect invalid installations and remove them with one click
· Force removal of uninstall related entries in the registry (care to use!)
· Quickload mode loads programs extremely fast
· Give detailed report about any installed applications
· Export programs list to file or printer
What's New in This Release:
· Excluded some unnecessary registry keys from scanning process to make scanning a bit faster
· Fixed some display error on Uninstall Wizard
· Other minor changes and bug fixes
Useful links:
• Screenshot:http://j.gs/1TFP
• Video Tutorials:http://j.gs/1TFQ
• Supported languages:http://j.gs/1TFW
• Official Web Site:http://j.gs/1TFR
• Donwload .torrent file:http://j.gs/1TFX
System requirements:
· 800x600 screen resolution with 256 colors
· 30 MB free disk space
· 133 MHz Intel Pentium or AMD K5 processor
· 64 MB RAM
· Internet access
System platform:
• MS Windows 98 / Me / NT / 2000 / XP / Vista / Seven
Technical parameters of the library:
• The format library: .zip
• Type of compression: the best
• Compression ratio: 95%
• The file format in the library: .exe / .pdf / .lng
• All files in the library: 4 files & 5 folders
• File size before compression: 7,25 MB (bytes: 7 612 527)
• File size after compression: 6,97 MB (bytes: 7 309 375)
Torrent created by sempronik™
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