The X-Men anime is written by famed English comic book writer/creator Warren Ellis,
and borrows story elements from famed Scottish comic book writer Grant Morrison’s early 2000s
story arch for New X-Men, as well as Joss Whedon’s mid-2000s run on Astonishing X-Men.
For those who don’t like anime, you’ll be pleased to hear that this X-Men anime series
(unlike the Wolverine anime) seems to be staying fairly true to the source material.
Cyclops, Professor X, Beast, Storm and Wolverine all pretty much look like
recognizable versions of themselves -- albeit “animeted” -- which, if you think about it,
isn’t too far from what a lot of American superhero cartoons are doing today
(see: Wolverine and the X-Men).
Episode 3 "Awakening""
The Xmen explore the Hidden U-Men lab they discovered last episode and discover
Emma Frost and a young japanes girl unconcious inside a pair of stasis pods and wake them.
hey child is called Hisako and was Emma Frosts student, learning to control her Prodigious mental powers.
Frost had come to Japan looking for Hisako when she dissappeared and was herself captured by the U-men cyporgs
who are immune to her telepathy. When the group stray beyond the U-Mens monitoring systems one of their Cyborgs attacks with the
intention of harvesting their organs and things look bad for the group until Hisako's powers activate and she becomes Armor.
After defeating the cyborg, however, her power threatens to run out of control and only Emma Frosts telepathy can calm her
and the X-Men then find and free more of the kidnapped mutants in another part of the lab.
Spoken Language:- Japanese
Subtitled Language

File Info
===== File Info =====
FileSize : 175M
PlayTime : 00:23:29.776
VideoCount : 1
AudioCount : 1
===== Video Info =====
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===== Audio Info =====
Audio 0# Stream
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AudioBitRate : 128000
AudioChannels : 2
AudioSampleRate : 44100
Format:- Divx AVI