Wopti Utilities is an all-in-one system utility to optimize,clean up,maintain and speed up your PC.It also gathers detailed and accurate software and
hardware information for you to know your PC better.Four general modules ( System Information,System Optimization,System Cleaning and System Maintenance)
with more than 30 tools are designed for PC's peak performance.Wopti Utilities is an Intel Software Partner,and now is"Certified For Windows Vista".
Wopti Utilities Software" ("Wopti Utilities" for short) is a piece of PC compatible software developed by Wopti Technologies for Windows98/Me/2000/XP/2003/
Vista. To keep your computer always in best performance, Wopti Utilities performs a variety of functions including optimization, clean and maintenance.
Services from Wopti Utilities are comprehensive and efficient, simple and safe.
Wopti Utilities auto-checks operating system upon every startup and provides users with different function modules and options under Windows98/Me/2000/XP/
t o o l s
1)System Information
Analyze system and provide detailed hardware and software information. Provide suggestions for enhancing system performance.
This module can be divided into nine categories:
-Overall System Information
-Video System Information
-Audio System Information
-Storage System Information
-Network Information
-Other External Devices
-Software Information Test
Overall system optimization options
- Optimization of Disk Cache, Desktop Menu, File System, Network, Boot Speed, Security, Backstage Service, etc.
- Simple and convenient auto-optimization wizard and optimizes automatically according to detected information of software and hardware
- "Restore" function to each optimized item, press one key to restore if users are not satisfied with the optimization
Detailed and accurate system detection
-Analyze system deeply and provide detailed and accurate information of hardware and software
-Provide suggestions for enhancing system performance according to the detection
-Provide system performance test to help users understand CPU/memory speed, graphic card speed, etc.
-Detection result can be saved as file for future comparison and reference
Powerful cleaning function
-Registry Cleaner: Cleans registry rapidly and safely
-Junk File Cleaner: Cleans redundant files in hard disk or specific directory
-Redundant DLL Cleaner: Analyzes redundant DLL in hard disk and remove after backup
-ActiveX Cleaner: Analyzes redundant ActiveX/COM components and remove after backup
-Software Intelligent Uninstaller: Automatically analyzes the related files in hard disk and information in registry of the selected files and remove after backup
-Backup and Recovery Manager: All removed items can be recovered from "Backup and Recovery Manager" of Wopti Utilities
Effective system maintenance
-Driver Intelligent Backup: Intelligent backup of drivers for future system re-installation
-System Disk Doctor: Tests and repairs disk problems such as abnormal shutdown, disk bad sectors etc.
-Memory Defrag: Releases memory easily. Occupies only small space when releasing , users can stop the process anytime to get more memory for applications
-Process Management: Application process management tool
-File Wiper: Deletes files un-recoverably
-Drive intelligent backup,system disk doctor
2)System Optimization
Comprehensive system optimization options
Wopti Utilities offers optimization services in various aspects such as:
-Disk Cache
-Desktop Menu
-File System
-Boot Speed
-System Security
-Background Service and so on
Meanwhile, Wopti Optimize Wizard can help to optimize your computer according to its analysis to the hardware and software.
This software offers 1-click restoration which means users can restore the system to Windows default status whenever you are not satisfied
with the optimization result. This enables users to enjoy our product without ever needing to worry about changing settings by mistake and not
being able to go back.
3)Powerful Clean Capability
-Registry Cleaner
Registry is a hierarchic tree like structure of database system which not only supports Windows system, hard disk and applications but also saves settings.
It keeps the record of user's hardware configuration and software information.
When you delete an application, you might forget to delete its related information, which can result in redundancy accumulation in registry and lower the
speed of registry and system. So, it is necessary to give regular clean to registry.
-Disk File Cleaner
Junk files on the hard disks grow gradually with the installment, deletion and uninstall of all kinds of applications, which will lower the working
efficiency of the computer by occupying a lot of space and hindering the speed of Windows. In order to provide you a comfortable working
condition, Wopti Utilities offers you its efficient functions of disk file management.
-Redundant DLL Cleaner
DLL (Dynamic Link Library) is a program module packaged with shareable programs or resources that can be shared by other applications. It is very similar
to the executable file but it must be invoked directly or indirectly by other applications. It cannot independently execute itself despite of bearing
executable codes.
The DLL files sometimes cannot be removed with the uninstalled software from the system. With more and more programs installed and uninstalled,
there will be more and more DLL in the hard disk. Because of this, Wopti Utilities provides users with Redundant DLL Cleaner.
-ActiveX Cleaner
ActiveX is a set of control standards presented by Microsoft on the basis of COM (Component Object Model). ActiveX/COM Component needs to be installed and
registered in System for its application. The ActiveX/COM Component installation is usually included in the application installation process.
Since ActiveX/COM Component is employed for extending the scope of business logic, transaction processing and service by more and more applications,
there are more and more components installed in the System. However, those components are not removed with the uninstalled applications together.
Thus, Wopti Utilities provides users with ActiveX Cleaner.
-Software Uninstaller
Most of the computer users install applications in their PCs. It is rather easy to install software, some of which are so-called green software
(i.e. it can be directly applied without installation). However, the followings usually happen when you uninstall those applications: a) users have to
directly delete the application because its uninstall program is damaged; b) some green softwares dynamically produces temporary files or modifies the
user?s Registry in the course of operation, which usually leaves the system much redundant information if they are directly deleted. The both can make
System overstuffed, bringing about a lower speed.
Aiming at the above-mentioned problems, Wopti Utilities provides users with "Software Uninstaller". It can automatically analyze, compress and backup the
associated files and information registered in Registry in the specified disk prior to cleaning them. Users can enter the Backup and Restore Manager to
restore the uninstalled software in case of any problem.
-Trace Cleaner
To make the application of computers easier, Windows keeps the record of users? operation anytime. However, this can also expose users? privacy,
particularly to users of public computers.
Trace Cleaner can clear users? history on computer, not only protecting their privacy but also improving the system speed.
You can clean...
I. Clean Network Trace
II. Windows Trace
III. History Record of Applications
-Backup and Restore Management
4)Valid System Maintenance Module
-Driver Backup
Driver is a small sized system-level program. It can associate the specified hardware and software with the operating system, making the System run
normally and enable this device. The operating system does not know how to deal with the new device unless you install its driver. Once the driver
is installed, the System can correctly recognize what the new device is. More importantly, the System gets to know how to use this new device.
-Disk Doctor
Windows might come across system error such as files with crossed links (two files or directories in the file allocation table share the same disk space)
because of system crash or abnormal power-off. To solve this problem, Microsoft has provided Scandisk in DOS/Windows9x. For Windows2000/XP/2003/Vista,
the system asks the user whether or not to run Chkdsk to check if this kind of problem is detected upon startup. Because Windows2000/XP/2003/Vista does
not allow errors to be repaired under protection mode, the operation of Chkdsk after entering Windows is of no use (even an error has been found). Some
users choose to skip check upon startup because it is time-consuming, more and more errors might accumulate. This can even cause system crash.
-Disk Defrag
Disk fragments grow when system is used for some time. Too many fragments not only bring down the system performance or cause file loss, but also shorten
the life of the hard disk. As a system maintenance tool, Wopti Utilities has offered users of Windows2000/XP/2003/Vista the function of disk analyzing and
defragment, which can help users learn the hard disk condition and defrag it.
-Wopti Memory Defragment
Memory management of Windows is not always effective. You may find Windows runs rather fast upon startup but obviously slower after a while
(especially when you exit the large-scale 3D game after you play it for some time). Because the physical memory always has an upper limit, Windows
adopts the mechanism of virtual memory page mapping to manage memory (i.e. page system assigns part of the hard disk to be additional memory).
When small memory block called page is no longer used, the addtional memory can be put on the disk to make more physical memory. When Windows9x starts,
the system takes almost 20M physical memory. Once another application is in operation, Windows will keep exchanging memory page between physical
memory and virtual memory. NT can reach this amount to 64KB, but Intel CPU only can force to use 4KB page. As time goes on, more and more page
fragments will be produced, which gradually results in slower system speed.
-Wopti Process Manager