Artist : VA
Album : Trance 2013 The Vocal Session
Label : ZYX Records
Genre : Trance
Bitrate : 1073kbps avg
Source : CD
Playtime : 02:33:48 (1239MB
Rls date : 2012-12-02
Store date : 2012-00-00
Encoder : FLAC1.2.1
Cat.No : ZYX 82618-2
Track List
Disc 1 / 2
1. Armin Van Buuren Feat. Ana Criado - Suddenly 4:08
Summer (Original Mix Edit
2. Markus Schulz Feat. Adina Butar - Caught 3:59
(Radio Edit
3. Alex M.O.R.P.H. Feat. Sylvia Tosun - Antara 3:16
(The Circle) (Radio Edit
4. Dash Berlin Feat. Chris Madin - Silence In 3:33
Your Heart (Antillas Radio Edit
5. Mandala Bros - Understand (Nice Edit) 3:44
6. Susana & Dark Matters - Home (Mr. Pit Radio 2:39
7. Topmodelz - I Won't Hold You Back (Single Mix) 3:33
8. Pakka Feat. Simon - The Light (Moe Aly Radio 3:56
9. Jamie Carpenter Feat. Ciaran Warren - You're 3:24
Not Alone (Radio Edit
10.Shaun Baker - Northern Lights (Badpitt Edit) 4:05
11.Frozen Skies Feat. Yana Vetrova - Coming Back 3:41
(Radio Mix
12.Leventina & Andrew Bennett Feat. Anita Kelsey 3:25
- Tell Me (Radio Mix
13.Giga Dance - Like An Angel (Deniz Rain Edit) 3:29
14.Easton Feat. Madelin Zero - Undone (Easton In 3:46
Pesaro Edit
15.Rene Ablaze & Alexander Xendzov Feat. Sharon 3:03
Fehlberg - Cast Your Spell (Clokx Edit
16.Wellenreiter - Supernova (Pulsedriver Edit) 2:46
17.Adam B Feat. Charlotte - Summer Dream (Follow 3:50
Your Heart) (Dave Cold Vs. K. Blank Radio Mix
18.Pedro Del Mar Feat. Fancy Vienna - Windows To 3:38
My Soul (Doublev Edit
19.Matt Darey Feat. Kate Louise Smith - I Still 2:51
Remember (Museartic Radio Edit
20.Aly & Fila vs. Jwaydan - Coming Home (Radio 4:58
21.Jayl - Get On The Floor (Hilo Remix) 3:17
Disc 2 / 2
1. Roger Shah Feat. Carla Werner - One Love 3:57
(Radio Edit
2. Kyau & Albert - Another Time (Radio Edit) 3:19
3. Dave 202 - Alive (Radio Edit) 3:17
4. Andy Moor Feat. Jessica Sweetman - In Your 3:58
Arms (Radio Edit
5. Mike Shiver Feat. Bo Bruce - Still Here (Radio 3:52
6. Aura Feat. Danielle Senior - Every Emotion 2:58
(Louis Bailar Edit
7. Illitheas Feat. Tiff Lacey - Little Heart 4:10
(Radio Edit
8. Cerf Mitiska & Jaren With Chris Jones - 3:04
Starting Right Now (Radio Edit
9. Nolita - Spread Your Wings (Original Vocal 3:46
10.Pulsedriver - Sound Of Celebration (Single 3:40
11.Stoneface & Terminal - Here Comes The Sun 3:40
(Radio Cut
12.Sunlounger & Zara Taylor - Try To Be Love 3:53
(Radio Edit
13.Javah Feat. Mimi Boheme - Waiting (Original 3:31
Anthem Edit
14.Sun Liquide Feat. Aminda - The Beat (Rene 3:13
Ablaze Radio Edit
15.Amfree & Luco - Like A Jojo (Video Edit) 3:47
16.Dark Matters Feat. Jess Morgan - The Real You 3:32
(Radio Edit
17.Tenishia & Jan Johnston - As It Should (Radio 4:20
18.Adrima - Lovin' You (Adrima Single) 3:14
19.Cloud 7 - Silence (Original Edit) 3:56
20.Ashley Wallbridge Feat. Audrey Gallagher - 4:38
Bang The Drum (Album Edit
21.Dr. Alban - Loverboy (Hewie Remix) 5:02
NOT available as mp3