蔔? 複賽 ? 賽白 蔔? 賞?
査? 蔔幡 百査? 査?
꾼 ? 賞? 輻 꾼 昉
査? 査? 賽複 ? 査? 栢?
? 査꾼? 査꿉 兵? 賞? 査꾼? 蔔꾼? ?
? 査幡栢? 査? ? 昉? 査幡栢? 蔔幡栢? 賞?
? 査? 賞白査꾼? 蔔幡 査? 賞白栢? 栢? 昉?
??賽 賞白賽栢? 蔔賽 複?霜査? 賞? 栢? 蔔幡
賞白 殯꿇 賞白 査 兵? 査? 栢? 幡蔔賽 ?
殯꿇 께? 賞白賞複? 昉 璽栢 ? 꿈?
複께꿉 殯꿇 査百? 昉 殯? 三? 꿀霜
複蔔幡璽複 兵꿉? 栢?査? 昉 査?輻 栢? ?
兵꿉? 査? 賽 査? 査百 꾼 昉 査꾼 栢?
栢? 栢?? 査? 蔔幡 꾼 昉査?? 複께賽査魄꿀
栢 輻 査꾼? 賽 査? D R U M :査朋? 兵꿉 霜 三?
殯? 査?賞? 査? 査朋?께? 三꿀
께 査? 賞? 꾼複 複昉査百 三? . 2005 . 殯께
三? ? 栢? 賞複 賽賞栢栢栢賽?輹栢 兵께?
賽? 三? 輻 賽栢複? 複蔔昉?賽 複 複께께꿉
賽賞栢栢栢賽? 賽? 賽霜께꿉?
. .. is proud to present you another fine release .. . 께?
VA - Cafe Solaire 15
Tracks.: cd1: 16 cd2: 16 ?
Label..: SoulStarRecords ?
Genre... House ??
Source.: CDDA 賞白
Grabber: EAC 殯꿇
Encoder: LAME 3.97 VBR 複께꿉
Quality: mp3 VBRkbps 44,1kHz Joint-Stereo 複蔔幡?
RipDate: Dec-29-2008 ? 兵꿉?
霜 栢?
輻賽霜複? 께꿇
? 賽賽三꿀複複 兵꿉께
霜 賽賽三께께賽賽 三?
賞?幡?幡?幡 白?幡? 賽?
? 幡?幡?白 幡?複?
..#. ..Trackname. ..Length.
01 Moon de Lounge - La Mer Se Calme 04:45
02 Schwarz & Funk - Shangri-La 04:54
03 Clelia Felix - Hotel Riviera 04:45
04 Jens Buchert - La Finosa (Jazzclub Mix) 04:50
05 Collective Sound Members - The Spirit 05:13
06 Vincenzo & Rivera - Tu Estas Fatal (Never Kiss Me Again) 04:54
07 Soulphiction feat. Marcin ? - Prison Song 04:54
08 Sven Van Hees - Sophiesticated Lady 04:48
09 Sambox - Smooth Jazz 04:51
10 Rivera Rotation - Waterdrops 04:55
11 Steve - Magical Sound 04:34
12 Jens Buchert - Seroton 04:54
13 Schwarz & Funk - Night Over Bangkok 05:04
14 Sven Van Hees - Flowmotion 04:57
15 Sweet Velvet - Melodic Remark 04:51
16 Sambox - We Can Fly 04:42
01 Martin East Project Feat. EOTL - Children of the Earth
02 Tone Control 밒llusion?- Illusion (The Rurals Remix)
03 Soul of NYC - Love Will Set You Free (Instrumental)
04 Phil R. Feat. Jay Rolandi - On The Floor (The Messenger Remix)
05 Bernard Badie Feat. Dajae - Truth Hurts (Club Mix)
06 Sunlightsquare - Amuyada (Mustafa Sol Do Brasil Mix)
07 Jason Merle - Move Yo Feet (Rick Passion Remix)
08 Costa Martinez feat. Bahar - I Can뭪 Believe
09 Marcelo Cruz - Latin Soul
10 Mr. Moon - Dream On (Sean McFerrin Voxomatic Mix)
11 Gyasi - The Dance (Lars Behrenroth Remix - Jojoflores Edit)
12 Lenny Fontana & Joi Cardwell - Make It Alright (Richard Earnshaw 2008 Classic Main Mix)
13 Ferdy & Edwin Mulder - 45 Avenue (Pete Gust Mix)
14 Sean Smith Feat. Arnaud The Crazy Frenchman - Exotic Erotic
15 Izmo - How Deep Can You Go?
16 Deep88 - Summer Just Can't Wave Goodbye
.Total.. 155:5
賽께? ?
賞白 輻
殯께 複複賽賽?
께三꿀 複複兵꿉賽賽 ?
兵? 賽賽께께꿉賽賽 輻
? 幡??幡??白 ?幡?幡?
幡??幡???賞 幡 白?
Happy New Year 2009!!!
? 兵꿉?
霜 栢?
輻賽霜複? 께꿇
? 賽賽三꿀複複 兵꿉께
霜 賽賽三께께賽賽 三?
幡?幡?幡???幡??白 ?幡?幡? 賽?
白?幡?白?白?幡???賞 幡 白?
DRUM is a group that releases all kind of electronic stuff but mainstream.
We dont care for any releaseyear or source...its still all about the music.
In the beginning of 2002 we began to support the scene with the best of the
best ... our goal was not to become group #1 in scene ... we rather
wanted to create a strong community out of music lovers and give our
複 musictaste to the ppl who still understand the music and its spirit...
賽? and after 2 years we're stronger than ever before. The friendship
?that we earn keeps us continuing every single day of the year ...
? and it will go on like this. So we wanna say thank you to all the
?? ppl that helped us over the last 2 years ... siteops, groups and
蔔幡 any kind of sceners. In the times of flaming and arrogance its a
殯꿇 luck to find ppl with the same attitude like we have. We appreciate
三께複 your help and your support in any way. So if you wanna join our
賽栢複? small and welfare community, dont hesitate
賽께? to contact us.
栢?We dont care for a monthly amount of rips
殯?its still all about the music and friendship.
께 ?
兵? 霜
? 꿀 Last but not least a few greets fly
輻賽霜複? 께
? 賽賽三꿀複複 兵꿉 to our friends from :
霜 賽賽三께께賽賽