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Selenium, C# and Everything in Between
Learn how to create a powerful cross site, cross browser and cross product dynamic automation tests using C#

What you'll learn
• Implement Selenium Web Driver with C#.NET
• Implement REST API Automation Testing
• Interact and manipulate all types of Web UI Elements
• Create logic layers on-top of Selenium (wrapper) to add more stability and functionality
• Learn how to solve and bypass UI and timing problems like, sync page load, a-sync page load
• Implement "Real World" testing solution End2End
• Use Data Driven approach to generalize your tests
• Learn how to distribute your Selenium Wrapper as a NuGet package
• Create powerful "Cross Browsers" & "Cross Sites" testing (single test who can run on multiple site types on any supported browser)
• Create cross product testing - a single test for both front and back ends
• Learn how to deploy Selenium Grid
• Get the basics and secrets of how to bring Selenium implementation to the next level!!!
• The techniques learned in this course can be used with any object oriented language
• You should be familiar with the basic concepts of object oriented development
• You should be familiar with basic C# programming
• Download and install Latest Visual Studio Community or above
• For sections ranked AAA and above - more advance development skills are required
This course is for all of you who likes to become experts of Automation Testing (both beginners and advanced). This course is built as a complete end to end project with real world solution structure and development patterns, with special attention to real world problems and how to fix/solve/bypass them. Learn how to create logic layers and use development patterns to bring automation to the next level.
This course is different because on top of teaching how to use and implement the selenium web driver, it also teaches how to use it in the real world by building a complete testing solution with dynamic testing, schedule runs, reporting and branching.
Here you will find all the tricks and secrets which you will not find by searching on the internet. Thousands of experience hours were fined into one course.
Mastering this course will give you huge advantage when looking for Web Automation Developer job. You learn how to deal with the most complicated web automation problems out there.
This course is not about Selenium rather it is about how to use selenium with an enterprise level solution and how to create a powerful framework and API's which can be consumed by other developers. You will find here lectures suitable for all development levels, starting with how to create utilities and tool box for beginners ending with state of the art architectures for advanced developers who wish to move their skills to higher level
No more "How to do..." it is time for "This is how it's done!".
Who this course is for:
• Beginner Automation Developers who wish to learn how to start with automation development using WebDriver & Selenium
• Beginner Automation Developers who wish to create their own utilities and automation tool box for reuse over multiple projects
• Advanced Automation Developers who wish to learn how to create automation framework using fluent API implementations
• Expert Automation Developers who wish to become automation architects and design enterprise level solution