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Basic Course Description
The First segment of the course is on creating apps in MATLAB using its graphical user interface utility called GUIDE. The GUIDE provides essential graphical components for converting your code into a meaningful software. The graphical components include radion buttons, tables, check boxes, sliders and many others.
The main motivation for adding this segment is the observation that students and people put alot of effort in writing the code but little on its appearance. By completing this segment of creating apps in GUIDE, you will easily transform your code into a well understood piece of software that the users will find useful to interact with. The segment contains 2+ hours of recorded lectures. Every lecture contains a demonstration of the concepts and the codes are included with the course.
The following is the outline of the course
Segment 1: Basics of the GUIDE
Segment 2: Linking the Code with GUI
Segment 3: Advance Techniques for GUIDE
Segment 4: Sample Projects with GUIDE
Segment 5: More Useful Tricks and Examples with GUIDE
At the end of this segment,
You should be able to work with graphical user interface controls such as text boxes, buttons, check boxes and others to make GUI for your code.
You are a confident user of the MATLAB utility called GUIDE for making GUI for your programs.
You will be able to create your GUI’s. If you have any problem I will help you.
You will get complete source codes of lectures.
The Second segment of the course is on creating apps in MATLAB using its graphical user interface utility called App Designer. The App Designer is next generation tool for creating and designing apps in MATLAB. The App Designer contains many new design components that are absent in the conventional app designing tool called GUIDE. The essential beauty of App Designer is the integration of the two task of coding and designing in creating apps. It makes this possible with its new editor. This segment is designed so that a MATLAB programmer can easily transform his code to a beautiful User Interface and app.
The following are the outlines of the segment
Segment 1: Basics of App Designer
Segment 2: Tips and Tricks for Effective use of App Designer
Segment 3: Coding GUI’s
Segment 4: Advance Techniques
Segment 5: Sample Projects with App Designer
At the end of this segment,
You should be able to work with graphical user interface controls such as text boxes, buttons, check boxes and others to make GUI for your code.
You are a confident user of the MATLAB utility called App Designer for making GUI for your programs.
You will be able to create your GUI’s. If you have any problem I will help you.
You will get complete source codes of lectures.
What am I going to get from this course?
At the end of the course you be a confident user of the MATLAB utility called GUIDE and App Designer for making GUI’S and apps for your programs.
You should be able to work with graphical user interface controls such as text boxes, buttons, check boxes and others to make GUI’s and apps for your code.
What is the target audience?
Researchers, Entrepreneurs, Instructors and Teachers, College Students, Engineers, Programmers, Simulators
Your Benefits and Advantages:
You receive knowledge from a Ph.D. in Computer science with over 10 years of teaching and 15 years of programming experience and another decade of experience in using MATLAB
The instructor has 6 courses on udemy on MATLAB including a best seller course.
The overall rating in these courses are (4.5/5)
This course include
One complete portion on creating apps in MATLAB Guide.
One complete portion on creating apps in MATLAB App Designer.
If you do not find the course useful, you are covered with 30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!
You have lifetime access to the course.
You have instant and free access to any updates i add to the course.
You have access to all Questions and discussions initiated by other students.
You will receive my support regarding any issues related to the course.
Check out the curriculum and Freely available lectures for a quick insight.
Who this course is for:
Researchers, Entrepreneurs, Instructors, College Students, Engineers, Programmers, Simulators who wants to quickly create front ends for their users to run their code and projects .
Although i will try to convey the concepts at the very basic level, an understanding of the following will be beneficial.
1. General Matlab programming understanding of the concepts.
2. Students should have installed matlab on their computers
Last updated 12/2018