Google Cloud Platform Certification - Cloud Architect (GCP) Download
Cloud Architect, Digital Architect - In depth coverage of all Services- 300+ Practice questions & 4 Case Studies Design

What you'll learn
In depth Understanding on Google Cloud Platform
GCP Services - Networking , Storage , Databases, Containers, Virtual Machines, App Engine, Security etc
GCP Compute Service : Virtual Machine (GCE), App Engine (GAE), Container Service (GKE), Google Cloud Function
GCP Networking VPC, CDN, Interconnect, DNS
GCP Management Tools - Stackdriver Monitoring, Logging, Trace, Error Reporting, Deployment Manager, Shell, Console, Cloud SDK
GCP Storage & Database Service : Cloud Storage, Cloud SQL, Cloud BigQuery, Cloud Spanner, Cloud DataStore, Cloud Spanner
GCP IAM and Security : Cloud IAM, KMS, Resource Manager, Security Scanner
Software or Information Technology or Infrastructure understanding
Hi !!
Cloud Architect – Certifications from Google Cloud Platform. This is best way to prepare for exam as well as learn Google Cloud platform in detail.
Successful 55,000+ Subscriptions and 43,000+ Unique Students only for Google Cloud Platform Certification Courses.
Here is Recent feedback after passing Exam.
"Passed Google Cloud Architect Exam - Thank you Dhanaji for your course!" ·Ramu a day ago
"Yesterday i passed the exam, its not that hard if you understand concepts good and did some work/lab in GCP. the material and the architect course is so helpful.."
Date : Jan 2019 ->
I have cleared my GCP Cloud architect exam and would like to thank you for detailed course, which was good to get subject knowledge.
Thanks and Regards,
There are many more.. Please check recent feedback for the student who are passed.
Please ignore -ve reviews past 2018. This Course went through considerable changes.
Get Confidence on Google Cloud platform with Demos where you can Deploy your/sample applications , Configure Load Balancer , Configure AutoScaling . Configure private networking , VPN etc...
Demos : Many Demos showcases - Deploying application in Google Container Engine, App Engine, Virtual Machine. Launching RDBMS Instances. Configure Virtual Private Cloud, Configure Firewall, Sub networks, Configure Instances in multiple Regions and Zones, Maintain object life-cycle on Cloud Storage and many more to give you hands on on all these services.
Jun 2018 : Added 4 case studies for Design /Architecting Cloud Applications, Trade-off's for choosing right solution for your application. Migration to public cloud. Compare on premises infrastructure with public cloud and many more.
Major Updates for this Courses !
Updates : Added 300 Practice Questions already added... Still working on additional question for some questions
Updates : Added Code Samples for demos.
Updates : Added More demos got Google Cloud Platform Services - VPC, Sub-networks, VPN, Bastion Host etc
Updates : Added 4 Case studies which appears in exam
Google is developer friendly and have provided almost all code example to Githut link -> github Slash GoogleCloudPlatform/
Google provide $300 credit to try/Learn GCP platform besides free tier , So you can even learn paid services which does not have free tier.
GCP Highlights
Google Cloud Platform - GCP is fastest growing pubic Cloud Platform Services in the world.
Last year google has recorded 150% growth rate. Google in 2018 investing heavily in extending GCP services across the Globe.
Google has committed may more data centers , Point of presence or edge locations around the world in 2019 .
GCP is already is prominent in Data Analytics, and Machine Learning offerings proven so many years and has added Storage, Compute platform , Database, Security and many more public cloud services for enterprises around world.
Google has private fibre optic cable around the world.. They have innovative data centers build to scale enterprise infrastructure and platform services requirements
Cloud Architect Certifications - Google has ended all other certifications and came up with single Architect Certifications as Cloud Architect.
Certifications Content
Design and plan a cloud solution architecture
Manage and provision the cloud solution infrastructure
Design for security and compliance
Analyze and optimize technical and business processes
Manage implementations of cloud architecture
Ensure solution and operations reliability
GCP Agenda
Compute , Storage & Database, Networking, Auto scaling/HA – Core Platform and Infrastructure Services – In Depth
IAM and Security, Management - Logging and Monitoring, Developer and Management Tools - Supporting Services - In Depth
BigData, Machine Learning, IOT – Other GCP Services
Who this course is for:
Anyone want to enhance skills with Cloud Architecture Certifications
Anyone want to get understanding on Google Cloud Platform - GCP
Anyone is preparing for Cloud Architect Exam from Google
Anyone Wants to understand Public Cloud, Private Cloud, Hybrid Cloud Deployment
Anyone wants general to understand Services offering from Google Cloud Platform.
Customer of Google Cloud Platform and wants understanding on services offered.
Current Customers of Amazon, Azure or any other public cloud wants to understand GCP Services
AWS Solution Architect or Microsoft Azure Architects wants to understand Google Cloud Platform
Developers , Lead Developers who are using Google Cloud Platform Services , or any other public cloud services.

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