The Right Decision: A Mathematician Reveals How the Secrets of Decision Theory Can Help You-Mantesh
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DescriptionQuote:The Right Decision: A Mathematician Reveals How the Secrets of Decision Theory Can Help You Make the Right Decision Every Time MgH James Stein English 2009 ISBN: 0071614192 256 pages 142 MB When it comes to making the right decision, don’t leave it up to chance Professor and mathematician James Stein demystifies Decision Theory and shows you how you can apply the principles of this exciting new field of mathematics to help you make the right decisions in all areas of your life. The Right Decision is peppered with intriguing ‘Decision Exercises’ to make complicated ideas seem simple, revolutionizing the way you think and make choices. Stay in a predictable job with little advancement or take a riskier one with more money? Have surgery or wait? Remain in a current relationship or take a chance on another person? Author James Stein argues that there is a right decision to these and all other questions and he gives you the tools you need to make the right one no matter what. About the Author James Stein is a Yale graduate who received both his M.A. and Ph.D at U.C. Berkeley, is Professor of Mathematics at California State University, past member of the enormously prestigious Institute of Advanced Studies at Princeton (where Oppenheimer held the physics chair formerly held by Einstein and became the head of the Institute) and co-author of two other books. He is also the author of the soon-to-be-published book, How Math Explains the World (Harper-Collins 2008) which is scheduled for an initial print run of 50,000; translation rights have already been sold in a number of countries. CAN YOU EVER BE SURE YOU'RE MAKING THE RIGHT DECISION? Should you stay in a comfy job with little chance of advancement-or take a riskier one in which you could make lots of money but also wind up on the street? Should you listen to a doctor who advises surgery-or trust another who tells you to wait and see if your condition improves? Should you remain in a cozy relationship without much spark-or cut your losses and search for your soul mate? Is there ever a “right” decision? Professor James Stein would argue yes, and in this provocative new book, he shows you how to apply the mathematical principles of Decision Theory to every aspect of your life. Ingeniously blending statistics, probability, game theory, economics, and even philosophy, this dynamic new approach to decision making can help you choose a new career path, buy a better home, even pick the perfect mate. With The Right Decision, you can't go wrong. INCLUDES ENTERTAINING INTERACTIVE QUIZZES TO HELP YOU MAKE THE RIGHT DECISION EVERY TIME!