Robert Stevenson

himico di provincia, inguaribilmente distratto, inventa casualmente una scura sostanza gommosa chiamata flubber, dotata di alto potere antigravitazionale. La sua vecchia Ford si mette a volare, le scarpe gli permettono di fare balzi giganteschi, ecc. I comandi militari USA sono in allarme. Prodotta dalla Disney, è una commedia che sa sfruttare fino in fondo la semplicità della trovata di partenza (sceneggiatura di Billy Walsh) e i suoi sviluppi con un fuoco di fila di effetti speciali, piuttosto notevoli per l'epoca. Seguito da Un professore a tutto gas. Rifatto nel 1997 con Flubber-Un professore tra le nuvole.
Un professore fra le nuvole (The Absent Minded Professor) è un film del 1961 diretto da Robert Stevenson.
Professor Brainard (pronounced BRAY-nerd) is an absent-minded professor of physical chemistry at Medfield College who invents a substance that gains energy when it strikes a hard surface. This discovery follows some blackboard scribbling in which he reverses a sign in the equation for enthalpy to energy plus pressure times volume. Brainard names his discovery Flubber, a portmanteau of "flying rubber." In the excitement of his discovery, he misses his own wedding to Betsy Carlisle, not for the first time. Subplots include another professor wooing the disappointed Miss Carlisle, Biff Hawk's ineligibility for basketball due to failing Brainard's class, Alonzo Hawk's schemes to gain wealth by means of Flubber, the school's financial difficulties and debt to Mr. Hawk, and Brainard's attempts to interest the government and military in uses for Flubber.
Looking for backers, he bounces his Flubber ball for an audience, but his investment pitch proves so long-winded that most of the crowd has left before they notice that the ball bounced higher on its second bounce than on its first. For a more successful demonstration, he makes his Model T fly by bombarding Flubber with radioactive particles. Other adventures and misadventures result as Flubber is used on the bottoms of basketball players' shoes (in a crucial game) giving them tremendous jumping ability; Brainard (at a school dance) making him an accomplished dancer, and the scheming businessman, who must be tackled by a full football team to bring him down after Brainard tricks him into testing Flubber on the bottom of his shoes. Eventually, Brainard shows his discovery to the government and also wins back Miss Carlisle, culminating in a wedding at last.

Un professore fra le nuvole
Titolo originale The Absent Minded Professor
Paese di produzione USA
Anno 1961
Durata 92 min
Colore b/n - Colori
Audio Sonoro
Genere Commedia
Regia Robert Stevenson
Soggetto Samuel W. Taylor
Sceneggiatura Bill Walsh
Fotografia Edward Colman
Montaggio Cotton Warburton
Musiche George Bruns
Scenografia Carroll Clark, Hal Gausman e Emile Kuri
Interpreti e personaggi
* Fred MacMurray: Prof. Ned Brainard
* Nancy Olson: Betsy Carlisle
* Keenan Wynn: Alonzo P. Hawk
* Tommy Kirk: Biff Hawk
* Leon Ames: presidente Rufus Daggett
* Elliott Reid: Prof. Shelby Ashton
* Edward Andrews: segretario della Difesa
* David Lewis: generale Singer
* Jack Mullaney: capitano dell'Air Force
* Belle Montrose: Mrs. Chatsworth
* Wally Brown: Coach Elkins
* Don Ross: Lenny
* Forrest Lewis: ufficiale Kelley
* James Westerfield: ufficiale Hanson
* Gage Clark: Rev. Bosworth
* Raymond Bayley: ammiraglio Olmstead
* Ed Wynn: capo dei pompieri
Languages English-Italiano-Español
Subtitles Eng- Fra-Ita-Esp-Deu

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[ Info sul file ]
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