
::->Dati Album<-::
Data Uscita: 1993
Genere: Musica Classica
Etichetta: ERATO
Esecutori: Pierre Amoyal, violin - London Philharmonia Orchestra
Conducted by Charles Dutoit
# Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 35
Composed by Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky
Performed by London Philharmonia Orchestra
with Pierre Amoyal
Conducted by Charles Dutoit
# Sérénade mélancolique, for violin & orchestra (or piano) in B minor, Op. 26
Composed by Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky
Performed by London Philharmonia Orchestra
with Pierre Amoyal
Conducted by Charles Dutoit
# Valse-scherzo, for violin & orchestra (or violin & piano) in C major, Op. 34
Composed by Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky
Performed by London Philharmonia Orchestra
with Pierre Amoyal
Conducted by Charles Dutoit

Pierre Amoyal è uno dei più importanti violinisti della sua generazione. Il suo ampio repertorio, che spazia da Bach a Berg, da Shönberg a Dutilleux, ne ha
decretato il successo internazionale sotto la direzione di von Karajan, Ozawa, Maazel, Solti, Prêtre, Fruhbeck de Burgos, Roshdestvensky, Sanderling, Dutoit
e Boulez. Numerose le sue esibizioni con la Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, al fianco di von Karajan e Lorin Maazel, che lo ha diretto nella prima tedesca del
Concerto di Dutilleux. Ospite delle più importanti orchestre francesi, si esibisce nelle migliori orchestre europee e in Estremo Oriente. Negli Stati Uniti
ha ottenuto un grosso successo al seguito di orchestre quali la Boston Symphony Orchestra, e le orchestre di Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh e Baltimora e del
Canada. Della stagione 2005-2006 ricordiamo le esibizioni in Belgio, a Milano, Vicenza, Parigi, Salisburgo, in Messico, a Lisbona, Montpellier, Perpigan e
Dublino. Ha tenuto numerose masterclass presso il Mozarteum di Salisburgo, durante le Holland Music Sessions e presso l’Accademia di Losanna. Nominato molto
giovane professore al Conservatorio Nazionale di Parigi, insegna ora al Conservatorio di Losanna, dove ha fondato nel 1991 insieme ad Alexis Weissenberg
l’Accademia Musicale Estiva, dedicata a violino e pianoforte (dal 2004 vi insegna Bruno Canino), nonché la Camerata di Losanna, formazione di giovani talenti
di tutto il mondo. Suona il Kochansky Stradivarius del 1717.
English Version
Pierre Amoyal is one of the leading violinists of his generation. His worldwide success in a broad repertoire from Bach to his remarkable performances of the
concertos by Berg, Schönberg and most recently, the Dutilleux Concerto, has seen him perform with conductors such as von Karajan, Ozawa, Maazel, Solti,
Prêtre, Fruhbeck de Burgos, Roshdestvensky, Sanderling, Dutoit and Boulez. His appearance with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra under Maestro von Karajan in
Berlin was followed by many further performances with this orchestra, including the German premiere of the Dutilleux Concerto under Lorin Maazel. He is an
annual guest with the major French orchestras and also appears throughout Italy, Germany, Spain, Holland, Great Britain, Belgium, Scandinavia, Switzerland,
Japan and the Far East. In the USA, he has had notable successes with the Boston, Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh and Baltimore Symphony Orchestras, and
throughout Canada. Highlights of the 2005-2006 season include concerts in Belgium, Milano, Vicenza, Paris, Mexico, Lisbon, Montpellier, Perpignan and Dublin.
Several Masterclasses in Mozarteum in Salzburg, Holland Music Sessions, Academy in Lausanne. He was nominated at a very young age as a professor at the
National Conservatory in Paris and now teaches at the Lausanne Conservatory. He is the artistic director of the Lausanne Summer Music Academy, devoted
exclusively to the violin/piano repertoire, which he originated with Alexis Weissenberg in 1991, and from 2004 his partner will be Bruno Canino. Pierre
AMOYAL plays the Kochansky Stradivarius from 1717.
::->Dati Tecnici<-::
Cover e Booklet