Sugar Bytes Plugins Pack WiN MacOSX by R2R

We founded Sugar Bytes to produce and provide better tools for all our friends in music.
Better sounding, better looking audio software that’s easier to use and cheaper to get than everything that’s out there. Just great products that can do more stuff with less buttons, that have more features with less instructions, that are simply more fun and less expensive.
Sugar Bytes Tools should save you time and money while providing more creative freedom and inspiring everybody to make more music. Because music is the sugar in the coffee of life!

Sugar Bytes Artillery v2.v2.3
Artillery2. The Effect Keyboard. MIDI controlled Multi FX with a lot of algorithms and super versatile modulation. The number one performance effect.

Sugar Bytes Consequence v1.5.1
Consequence. The Chord Synquencer. Innovative combination of a chord based stepsequencer with a powerful sound engine.

Sugar Bytes Cyclop v1.1.1.R2
Cyclop. The Twisted Bass Synthesizer. Create the most powerful basslines and define the future of bass with Cyclop. The most powerful monophonic synth ever.

Sugar Bytes Effectrix v1.4.2
Effectrix. The Effect Sequencer. Create grooving sound mutations and unheard breakbeats with this innovative tool!

Sugar Bytes Guitarist v1.0.2.R2
Guitarist. The complete guitar software with amps, effects, guitars and guitar player!

Sugar Bytes Robotronic v1.3.0
Robotronic is a superb sounding and easy to use vocoder which can process mono and stereo input signals, includes sampler and synthesizer and contains quite useful features like the Frequency Focussing and Formantshifting.

Sugar Bytes Thesys v1.6.2
Thesys. Midi Step Sequencer. An incredible tool for unbelievable sequences on stage and in the studio.

Sugar Bytes TransVST v1.0
TransVST is a plugin wrapper, which transforms VST plugins into AAX Plugins.
With TransVST, you can use VST Plugins in Pro Tools 10 and higher.

Sugar Bytes Turnado v1.5.R2
Turnado. Realtime audio manipulation has never been so easy!

Sugar Bytes Unique v1.2.0
Unique. The special synth with that supermighty sound. Includes juicy vowel filtering, crazy modulation possibilities, two multi effects and a lot of new thinking.

Sugar Bytes Vogue v1.3.1
Vogue. The ultimate Channel Strip. Gives your records the touch of expensive hardware devices, signals appear shiny and with more presence immediately and receive the final polish from first class virtual analog processors like Gate, Preamp, Overdrive, Compressor, Dynamic EQ, Multimode Filter, Delay and Reverb.

Sugar Bytes WOW v1.2.0
Sugar Bytes WOW2 v2.0.2
WOW2. The talking Filterbox. 21 innovative first class sounding filters, with VOWEL MODE, Distortions and versatile modulation system.
System requirements
PC: WinXP/Vista/7 32/64bit, 1GHz, 512MB RAM
Mac: OSX 10.4+, 32/64bit, 1GHz, 512MB RAM
Plugin Interfaces: VST / AU / RTAS / AAX
1. Uninstall previous versions.
2. UnRaR and Install
3. Register with serial given or use keygen
• That's it! Done.
• Supp0rt th3 D3v3lop3r if you liK3 it.