Slice of Life
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Title: Slice of Life
Genre: Adventure, Indie, Early Access Developer: tom_jackson Publisher: tom_jackson Release Date: Aug 30, 2017 About This Game No language skills are required to play this game. An unexpected incident has separated a fawn from his family. Now he needs to learn how to take care of himself. He has to pull through a hard time in hopes that he will find his parents again. What is waiting for him in this huge unknown world? What tough calls is he going to face? Features of the Game: - the world is divided into different playing areas, depending on the possibility to survive - safe places to take a rest so that you can recover your health - sources of spring water will save you from constant thirst - search for the necessary herb will save you from hunger for a while - stones embracing the full power of nature that bring you back to life - sudden and sometimes even fatal encounters with other dwellers of the world around What should you do when you are all alone? System Requirements Minimum:OS: Windows 7Processor: Intel Core i3Memory: 8 GB RAMGraphics: GeForce GTX 950Storage: 1 GB available space Trackers
Torrent hash: 192BEF987C743A41FE850F27684D6DBA518F33F2 |