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Fanedit Name: Scream - The Giallo Cut
Faneditor Name: Neglify
Original Movie Title: Scream
Genre: Horror
Fanedit Type: FanMix
Original Release Date: 1996
Original Running Time: 111 minutes
Fanedit Release Date: September 2012
Fanedit Running Time (Min): 110 minutes
Time Cut (Min): 6 minutes
Time Added (Min): 5 minutes
Brief Synopsis:
After a series of mysterious deaths, a seemingly peaceful community becomes a place where no one is safe. . . and everyone is a suspect!
Directed by suspense master Wes Craven and with music by Italian progressive rock band Goblin, “Scream – The Giallo Cut” will leave you breathless.
Scream – The Giallo Cut is a love letter to Italian horror cinema, Dario Argento, Goblin and the original Scream.
I never tried to make Scream feel like BLANK movie. Even though the primary music used was from Suspiria, I wasn’t trying to make the plot, dialogue, characters and events more like Suspiria. I'm not trying to change Scream from being Scream too much as I love that movie and think it is perfect how it is. Nor am I trying to replace Scream. I did see some opportunities to tone down the meta aspects of Scream but it’s still a horror film about people who know and love horror films.
I wanted this to feel like a movie you would find at a garage sale.
This edit was sourced from the uncut VHS of Scream. This was done primarily as a throwback to the picture quality of Italian horror films from the 70s. It is intended to be watched on an older CRT television. Prepare yourself to see some ghosting artifacts, frame blending and static at the top and bottom of the frame. I highly suggest you watch the Opening Sequence clip before you download so you can see what you're in for.
If you watch it on an older TV the flaws don't show up as much in the picture. Older TVs will crop off the edges and reduce the static and the picture will look fairly crisp (for VHS standards). Newer TVs will pick up the flaws a lot more and leave you with a terrible picture.
Of course, you could manually set your HDTV to crop the picture to 16:9 to get rid of the static at the top and bottom, but then you'd be watching a cropped version of a cropped film. *evil laugh*
Hugs and kisses,
Other Sources:
Bird With the Crystal Plumage – 2 minutes, 21 seconds
Emmanuelle In Space - One Last Fling – 23 seconds
Strip Nude For Your Killer – 2 seconds
The New York Ripper – 2 seconds
I Really Hate My Job – 1 second
Slaughter Hotel – 1 second
Cuts and Additions:
General Cuts:
- Music by Goblin has been used throughout. Most of Beltrami's music has been either been removed or quieted. I tried to remove a lot of the dramatic STINGS, but a good amount remains. At some points music by Goblin and music by Beltrami play together, with Beltrami segueing into Goblin and then a healthy Beltrami/Goblin mix. Some audio cuts are intentionally abrupt, but nothing too terrible. Some parts are loud as shit and some parts are quiet. If this is gonna bother you, feel free to leave a negative rating.
- Flashbacks have been added showing Maureen's death. Some quick flashbacks show Maureen's slutty nature. The footage is mainly taken from giallo films of the 70s. Maureen's tits do not match. (I won't say exactly where footage has been added so that there's still some mystery I guess.)
- The uncut VHS is used. It is 1.33:1 and looks terrible. The top of the picture is all messed up and the bottom of the picture has static. There are natural interlacing issues that were a creative choice to keep. There are some ghosting artifacts due to it being a 15 year old VHS, but the editor has tried to minimize those as much as possible. This is intended to be watched on a tube TV. If you can't stand anything less than 1080p I urge you to watch this with your eyes taped open.
- The movie is rated NC-17! No children under 18 will be admitted.
- New opening title sequence. It looks like a 6 year old made it.
- Neve Campbell shows her tits, TWICE.
Specific cuts:
*Spoilers for a movie from the 90s*
- VHS titles cards and a trailer added to beginning of the edit.
- Cut "would you settle for a PG-13 relationship?" But added some boobs.
- Cut "my name isn't Jesus."
- Cut "They got any more donuts in there?"
- Cut dialogue about cellular telephones between the Sheriff and Billy.
- Cut "He's my superior!" "A janitor's your superior."
- Red Right Hand by Nick Cave remains!
- Cut Linda Blair's cameo.
- Cut "Is your brain leaking?"
- Cut the stuck up bitches in the bathroom.
- Cut Stu's little air guitar move after inviting Sidney to his party. (Since some frames were cut in the Director’s Cut making it look awkward, I just cut the whole thing.)
- Wes Craven has no dialogue.
- Cut "You're starting to sound like a Wes Carpenter flick."
- Cut the discussion about who would play Sidney if they made a movie.
- Cut The Rules of Successfully Surviving A Horror Film.
- Cut the on-the-nose "Here comes the obligatory tit shot!" (And the other cutaways to the kids watching Halloween were omitted.)
- Added boobs to Billy & Sidney’s sex scene.
- Cut "Anthony Perkins, Psycho."
- Cut "The same stuff they used for pig's blood in Carrie."
- Cut Stu's shocked look when Billy tells Sidney his father was having an affair with Sidney's mother.
- Cut "You're no longer a virgin. Oops! I said virgin... Those are the rules." ("Now you gotta die" remains.)
- Cut Stu saying "I'll be right back."
- Cut "Right here, asshole."
- Cut "I never thought I'd be so happy to be a virgin."
Songs Cut/Added:
I don't know if there's any song I cut completely 100%. Most songs still play softly with new songs added on top of them. If you listen carefully you'll hear them, but if you just listen normally you won't notice (hopefully).
I added the song "The Naked and the Dead" by Andi Sex Gang.
Footage added from the following movies:
- Bird With The Crystal Plumage
- The New York Ripper
- Strip Nude For Your Killer
- I Really Hate My Job
- Emmanuelle In Space - One Last Fling
- Slaughter Hotel
"OK, so… have I covered everything? Are there any questions, any comments?"
NOTE: This is a fanedit. Fanedits are remixes of films and TV shows for educational purposes and are made as a hobby, not for profit. Don't sell fanedits.