Saints Row 4 Soundtrack (Cutscenes, missions, etc.)
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FilesDescriptionOriginal Upload Credit Goes To TPB User Viperys Quote:
This torrent includes unmodified unpacked and converted game files.
File format: OGG Vorbis, VBR. ========================================================================= Contents ========================================================================= Cutscenes: the music which plays when you have finished a mission or during briefings. Some of these are actual songs, for example interface_media_00092 is Draztic Music: Give Me That Bass Ft. Erk Tha Jerk Dubstep Gun: these are used to generate the DGun sfx and consist of the starting track, the loop and the ending. Default is an outtake from "A Bass Renaissance" by Dave Hewson & Josh Powell. Techno is not used in the game as of now but was left in the files. Fight Club: 4 tracks you heard during the Fight Club challenges. Missions: Sound files which are used during the missions. Look through m[mission##]_*.ogg to find the one you was looking for. Some of these are actual songs, so ask around. Genki Mom: Professor's Genki MOM! Warden Fights: The music you heard fighting the Wardens. Songs from the radio are not included. Trackers
Torrent hash: 3932153523B7EE764955CBB35507A13D633FEB2C |