Resolume Avenue 4.5.0 and Arena 4.2.2 MultiLang-D33P57A7U5
URL.......: http://resolume.com/

Resolume Avenue 4 VJ Software
Resolume Avenue can play multiple layers of full HD without skipping a beat
and it can handle multiple live inputs to make it a virtual video mixing desk.

Resolume Arena 4 Media Server
Resolume 4 comes in 2 editions. Avenue is the VJ software you know and love.
Arena has all the features of Avenue plus features you'd expect from a media
server, soft edging, screen warping, DMX input and SMPTE timecode input.
Screen Warping & Video Mapping Arena
In the advanced output window you can now create as many slices from your
composition and position and transform them to your liking. This is perfect
for projection mapping on many surfaces. Your surfaces do not have to be
rectangular anymore either, you can warp your video onto curved screens with
the advanced bezier transformations.
Other New Features in Resolume 4
• You configure every layer to automatically start the first clip
when the composition has loaded. This is very handy for installations
where Resolume needs to start playing clips automatically in combination
with the Auto Pilot.
• Ignore Column Trigger, prevents clip from being triggered when the
column triggers are used.
• Scale to Fit button for clip now cycles through 4 modes, first it will
scale taking into account ratio and fill to the hight or the width, then it
will just match the composition size and the fourth time it's back to
default, this also works when multiple clips are selected.
• Recent compositions menu for quick access to last opened compositions.
• New version of DXV Codec (2.2) compresses files faster by utilizing
multiple processors.
• Invert checkbox for mouse mapped controls.
• Type ahead selection in File,Effect and Composition browser.
• Position of windowed output is remembered.
• Windowed output position can be changed with the arrow keys.
• Show Display Info (option in the menu to identify the different displays).
• Global Clip Start offset to compensate for clip trigger latency via MIDI
or OSC.
• Tailored MIDI support for Akai APC Midi controller.
• Invert option for masks.
• Value editor popup for parameters.
• Ease in-out for all parameters.
• Drop effect directly on layer thumbnail.
• Drag file on video or audio track zone in clip properties panel to
replace video or audio track without resetting parameters.
• Property panel sizes and layout is remembered.
Resolume 4 Enhancements
• Smaller composition files for quicker loading of decks.
• Great reduction of memory usage.
• Effect presets are stored in separate files, this makes it easier to
import and share user presets.
• Improved recording performance.
• Preview panel checkerboard backdrop for better transparency viewing.
• Faster OSC input.
• Flash text field transparency fix on Windows.
• Better FFGL Syphon support.
• Much faster thumbnailing and analysis of audio clips.
• ArtNet DMX fixes.
• Improved rendering of odd sized files.
New Plugins in Resolume 4
Crop, Delay RGB, Infinite Zoom, Terrain, Line Scape (source),
Lines (source), Cut (mixer). Plugin Mixer pack is now included in version 4.
Tech Specks..: http://resolume.com/software/specs

1) Unrar
2) Uninstall previous versions.
3) Install the software.
4) Run R2R keygen and patch and select a product.
(Admin Rights)
5) Click on Patch *.exe.
6) Run the software and open prefereces -> registration.
7) Start Offline Registration and copy ID Code to our keygen.
8) Generate a license.
9) Load that license from the software.
• Thats it! Done.
• Supp0rt th3 D3v3lop3r if you liK3 it.
3Nj0Y !!!