
Resolume Arena v5.0 WiN-d33p57a7u5
URL.......: http://resolume.com/blog/12462/arena-5-point-ooooh

Live HD Video Mixing
Resolume puts you in charge. You can play your videos when you want, how
you want. Forwards, backwards, scratch and adjust tempo to the beat. Mix
and match your visuals quickly and easily and play Resolume like an
Intuitive Interface
Whatever your style is, Resolume offers you an easy interface to rock it.
Use as little or as many videos and effects as you like. The only limit is
your computer's raw power and your imagination.
From Your Local Club to Main Stage
You can play on any amount of screens. From a simple screen behind the DJ
in your local club to main stage at Ultra. As long as your computer can
recognise it as an output, Resolume will let you use it.
Projection Mapping with Arena
Project video on any type of surface. Complex geometrical structures or
whole buildings. Resolume does all the hard work, so you can concentrate
on the important part: being creative.
Blend Projectors with Arena
With edge blending you can seamlessly project one beautiful widescreen
image with two or more projectors. It can even wrap around for a full
360 degree experience.
Project on Cars, Buildings or Pumpkins
With Arena you can take on any size mapping project. From projecting on
DJ booths to cars, buildings and LED mappings on giant stages like Ultra.
Led There Be Light
Think outside the screen and colour the lights too! With Arena 5 you can
send out colours to DMX fixtures and the lights will be in sync with your
Live Composite & Effects
Adjust the scale and position of your clips to suit your needs. Apply
effects to drastically change the look of your video. Everything runs
on the video card so you get the fastest performance and best image
quality possible.
Real Time Rendering
Apply effects, blend, mix, cut and edit, everything happens on the spot.
Resolume also plays your generative content made in Flash or Quartz
Audio & Visual Plugins
All visual effects in Resolume are plugins and you can easily add more
effects by download 3rd party plugins. You can even program your own using
OpenGL. On the audio side you can use VST plugins to play your favorite
Integrate With Other Apps
With Syphon on the Mac and Spout on Windows you can stream visuals in
real-time between Resolume and other apps. You can even program your own
apps that integrate with Resolume.
Live Cameras
Connect a plug and play webcam. Capture a high end HD-SDI signal.
Feed the output of one computer into another. Whatever you need.
Blackmagic Capture Devices
Resolume supports all Blackmagic Design capture cards for both input
and output. On Mac OS X and Windows you get maximal quality with minimal
Audio Visual Playback
Resolume plays both audio and video files. Juggle pixels and composite
beats, combine any video file with any audio file.
Audio Visual Effects
Resolume has both audio effects and video effects. Use them separately
or combine them to create exciting new audio visual effects.
Audio Analysis
Make clips and effects dance to the beat. Resolume can analyse audio
to make any parameter bounce to the music.
"Yes I AM actually DJing Live"
With SMPTE Timecode input in Arena you can run you clips in sync with
the DJ.
All Hands on Deck
Liberate yourself from the mouse. Use your favourite MIDI controller
or get physical with your iPhone via OSC.
Control from a Lighting Desk
You can control Arena from a lighting desk using DMX. Use our standard
personality or configure your own.
NEW - AV set and demo footage
NEW - Fixture editor
NEW - Virtual screen routing
NEW - Drag and drop output presets
NEW - Modifiers galore
NEW - Input slice rotation
NEW - Opacity and Bypass toggles on Layer Router
NEW - Preview available as source for Layer Router and Slices
NEW - Create slices and masks by drawing
NEW - Screen output delay compensation
NEW - Screen output opacity & color correction
NEW - Screen folding
NEW - Slice flipping
NEW - Slice Top & Left coordinates
NEW - Slice color correction
NEW - Slice force black background
NEW - New interface colours: Minty Pinky
NEW - Redesigned toolbar for better read- and click-ability
NEW - Windows large address aware for better memory management
NEW - 8 pixel grid on output
NEW - Improved crosshairs
System Requirements
Windows 7 or later
ATI Radeon HD 5000 series or better.
NVIDIA GeForce 210 or better.
256MB of VRAM
1) Unrar
2) Install.
3) Replace with cracked one.
4) Open Preferences / Registration
and choose Offline Registration
5) Select the included Arena.avr
• Thats it! Done.
• Supp0rt th3 D3v3lop3r if you liK3 it.
3Nj0Y !!!
