Title................: Quantum Circuit Simulation
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Posted by............: ~tqw~
Recent progress in atomic physics, semiconductors, and optical technologies
lead to the need to control matter at an unprecedented scale. However,
atoms, electrons and photons do not obey laws of classical physics and
instead are governed by quantum mechanics. The formalism of quantum circuits
promises to transform engineering disciplines the way digital circuits
transformed computing, communications, control and measurement. A quantum
circuit simulator implemented in software acts as a replacement of an
actual quantum system and seeks to calculate the output from the inputs.
This is a very difficult task, but researchers have achieved significant
progress in many important special cases.
Table Of Contents:
1 Introduction.
2 Gate Modeling and Circuit Simulation.
3 Linear Algebra and Quantum Mechanics.
4 Quantum Information Processing.
5 Special Case: Simulating Stabilizer Circuits
6 Generic Circuit Simulation Techniques.
7 State-Vector Simulation with Decision Diagrams.
8 Density-Matrix Simulation with QuIDDs.
9 Checking Equivalence of States and Circuits.
10 Improving QuIDD-based Simulation.
11 Closing Remarks.
A QuIDDPro Simulator.
B QuIDDPro Examples.
Product Details:
* ISBN: 9048130646
* ISBN-13: 9789048130641
* Format: Hardcover, 190pp
* Publisher: Springer-Verlag New York, LLC
* Pub. Date: September 01, 2009
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