Python Secure Coding Playbook

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Python Secure Coding Playbook [] - Python Secure Coding Playbook
  • (21.6 MB)
  • 2. Secure Coding Principles
    • 2. Secure Coding Guidelines.vtt (9.0 KB)
    • 1. Secure Coding and the OWASP Top 10.vtt (3.2 KB)
    • 2. Secure Coding Guidelines.mp4 (8.1 MB)
    • 1. Secure Coding and the OWASP Top 10.mp4 (3.1 MB)
    1. Course Overview
    • 1. Course Overview.vtt (2.2 KB)
    • 1. Course Overview.mp4 (3.2 MB)
    8. Security Misconfiguration
    • 3. Demo - Fixing Common Misconfigurations.vtt (8.8 KB)
    • 2. Common Misconfigurations.vtt (4.2 KB)
    • 1. Areas of Misconfiguration.vtt (3.3 KB)
    • 3. Demo - Fixing Common Misconfigurations.mp4 (20.1 MB)
    • 2. Common Misconfigurations.mp4 (4.6 MB)
    • 1. Areas of Misconfiguration.mp4 (3.3 MB)
    12. Insufficient Logging and Monitoring
    • 1. Understanding Logging and Monitoring.vtt (8.4 KB)
    • 2. Demo - Logging Authentication Actions.vtt (6.1 KB)
    • 3. Demo - Logging Authorization Actions.vtt (4.3 KB)
    • 2. Demo - Logging Authentication Actions.mp4 (11.4 MB)
    • 1. Understanding Logging and Monitoring.mp4 (7.8 MB)
    • 3. Demo - Logging Authorization Actions.mp4 (6.3 MB)
    5. Sensitive Data Exposure
    • 2. Areas of Data Exposure.vtt (8.4 KB)
    • 3. Demo - Protecting Sensitive Data.vtt (7.1 KB)
    • 1. Data Sensitivity.vtt (2.6 KB)
    • 3. Demo - Protecting Sensitive Data.mp4 (11.5 MB)
    • 2. Areas of Data Exposure.mp4 (9.2 MB)
    • 1. Data Sensitivity.mp4 (2.2 MB)
    4. Broken Authentication
    • 7. Demo - Time-based One-time Passwords.vtt (8.2 KB)
    • 4. Demo - Password Guessing Defense.vtt (6.4 KB)
    • 3. Password Guessing.vtt (2.1 KB)
    • 6. Demo - Credential Stuffing.vtt (5.7 KB)
    • 1. Authentication Components.vtt (3.8 KB)
    • 2. Handling Passwords.vtt (3.8 KB)
    • 8. Further Time-based One-time Password Security.vtt (2.6 KB)
    • 5. Credential Stuffing.vtt (3.2 KB)
    • 7. Demo - Time-based One-time Passwords.mp4 (17.0 MB)
    • 6. Demo - Credential Stuffing.mp4 (12.3 MB)
    • 4. Demo - Password Guessing Defense.mp4 (10.3 MB)
    • 1. Authentication Components.mp4 (4.0 MB)
    • 2. Handling Passwords.mp4 (3.6 MB)
    • 5. Credential Stuffing.mp4 (3.2 MB)
    • 8. Further Time-based One-time Password Security.mp4 (2.6 MB)
    • 3. Password Guessing.mp4 (2.1 MB)
    9. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
    • 4. Demo - XSS Defenses.vtt (7.8 KB)
    • 2. Types of XSS.vtt (4.9 KB)
    • 3. XSS Defenses.vtt (4.3 KB)
    • 1. Understanding Cross-Site Scripting.vtt (3.2 KB)
    • 4. Demo - XSS Defenses.mp4 (11.6 MB)
    • 3. XSS Defenses.mp4 (4.8 MB)
    • 2. Types of XSS.mp4 (4.7 MB)
    • 1. Understanding Cross-Site Scripting.mp4 (3.1 MB)
    3. Injection Flaws
    • 1. Understanding Injection Flaws.vtt (2.5 KB)
    • 4. Demo - Defending Against Injection Attacks in Python.vtt (7.3 KB)
    • 2. Attacking and Defending SQL Injection.vtt (5.8 KB)
    • 3. Attacking and Defending Operating System Command Injection.vtt (3.4 KB)
    • 4. Demo - Defending Against Injection Attacks in Python.mp4 (8.9 MB)
    • 2. Attacking and Defending SQL Injection.mp4 (5.6 MB)
    • 3. Attacking and Defending Operating System Command Injection.mp4 (3.6 MB)
    • 1. Understanding Injection Flaws.mp4 (2.6 MB)
    10. Insecure Deserialization
    • 3. Demo - Correcting Deserialization Issues.vtt (7.2 KB)
    • 2. Types of Deserialization Vulnerability.vtt (5.5 KB)
    • 1. Understanding Deserialization.vtt (2.9 KB)
    • 3. Demo - Correcting Deserialization Issues.mp4 (11.8 MB)
    • 2. Types of Deserialization Vulnerability.mp4 (5.7 MB)
    • 1. Understanding Deserialization.mp4 (2.9 MB)
    7. Broken Access Control
    • 3. Demo - Implementing Role-based Access.vtt (7.1 KB)
    • 2. Access Control with Role-based Access.vtt (6.6 KB)
    • 1. Understanding Authorization.vtt (3.1 KB)
    • 3. Demo - Implementing Role-based Access.mp4 (11.7 MB)
    • 2. Access Control with Role-based Access.mp4 (6.0 MB)
    • 1. Understanding Authorization.mp4 (3.1 MB)
    6. XML External Entities (XXE)
    • 1. XXE Attacks.vtt (6.3 KB)
    • 2. Demo - XXE Attack and Defense.vtt (4.3 KB)
    • 2. Demo - XXE Attack and Defense.mp4 (7.5 MB)
    • 1. XXE Attacks.mp4 (6.7 MB)
    11. Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities
    • 2. Demo - Detecting Known Vulnerabilities.vtt (6.0 KB)
    • 1. Understanding Known Vulnerabilities.vtt (5.3 KB)
    • 1. Understanding Known Vulnerabilities.mp4 (8.8 MB)
    • 2. Demo - Detecting Known Vulnerabilities.mp4 (8.4 MB)
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Secure coding is a skill that every web developer needs to ensure they are protected from common vulnerabilities. This course teaches you about those vulnerabilities, how an attacker might exploit them, and how to avoid them in your Python websites.

There are a number of common vulnerabilities that can be exposed by a website which a malicious user can attack. This can result in anything from the website being defaced to the web server and all of its contents being accessed by unauthorized users. In this course, Python Secure Coding Playbook, you’ll learn to protect your websites from attack. First, you’ll explore the most common vulnerabilities that you’re likely to see in a website. Then, you’ll see what these vulnerabilities could allow an attacker to do and how they might do it. Finally, you’ll learn how to write your Python code to protect your website from attack. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the knowledge of secure coding in Python that you need to protect your website from the attacks that it is most likely to face.

Last Updated 9/2021

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Python Secure Coding Playbook


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Python Secure Coding Playbook

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