The Inbox is where we communicate, store files and information, keep
track of things to do, and everything in-between. But with so much
going on, it's hard to stay on top of things.
We built Postbox to make you better at what you do, by providing for
the various (and sometimes crazy) ways you use email, and by making
those behaviors work really, really well.
Our newest release is even more intuitive, useful, and integrated with
the apps and workflows you rely on most.
copy crack file 'xul.dll' to installed program folder and replace
original file. crack or restore vbs file will automatically backup
original file and copy crack to default installation folder. runasadmin
registry settings are added, user account is granted full permissions to
program folder, and program will start when done. original file is
restored if already cracked with backup file. if default program folder
is not found a browse for folder window will open.
- or -
run hta file 'PostBox HTA Patch.hta' located in the hexpatch folder.
the hta file will backup original file, use HexPatcher.exe to seek
and replace registration byte patterns and apply runasadmin registry
settings, user account is granted full permissions to program folder,
and program will start when done. if default program folder is not
found a browse for folder window will open.
- optional -
PostBox Roaming Data Saves
postbox roaming application data can be saved and restored with the vbs
file in the 'PostBox Roaming Data Saves' folder, enter save or restore
to apply data information, enter about or info for more information.
saving will create a folder with year, month and day containing Postbox
roaming application data, restoring will copy the saved Postbox folder
contents back to the Postbox roaming application data folder. Program
will start when restoring is finished.
patch note: HexPatcher.exe was downloaded from
HexPatcher.exe needs dotNet Framework v3.5 in win8.
Release Date......: 2018/05/06
Uploader..........: 1n0n1m0s
Upstream Rate.....: 1250 kB/s
Availability......: 24/7 to new version
Operating System..: windows x64 x86
Content Type......: computer software
Program Type......: email client
Crack Editor......: x96dbg
Hex Editor........: 010editor
Patch Editor......: hexpatcher
Patch Type........: crack, hta patch
Image Editor......: photoshop elements 10
Image Editor......: photodeluxe be, xnview
Icon Editor.......: icofx
Script Editor.....: sublime text
Audio Converter...: ffmpeg, modplug tracker
Audio Player......: xmplay
NFO Editor........: notepad, nfopad
NFO Font..........: courier new, reg, 8
NFO Encoding......: utf-8
Monitor Resolution: 1920x1080
Text Size (DPI)...: 120dpi