[PimpMyMind] RSD Julien - Pimp

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RSD Julien - Pimp Bonuses
  • PIMP Live Event.mp4 (1.5 GB)
  • 1. How I Pick Up An Eastern European Model, IN THE DAY.mp4 (300.1 MB)
  • 2. How To Get A Girl Into Any Type Of Relationship You Want (GF or F-Buddy).mp4 (448.5 MB)
  • 3. How To Get Into Exclusive Clubs & Bouncer Game.mp4 (253.1 MB)
  • 4. What I Learned From Tyler and What Tyler Learned From Me (This is what made us GOOD).mp4 (819.6 MB)
  • Infield Footage.mp4 (116.1 MB)
  • Pimpmymind.net.url (0.1 KB)
  • Telegram Channel for Mind Courses.url (0.1 KB)
  • 02. Female Psychology.mp4 (664.0 MB)
  • 03. Inner Game.mp4 (45.6 MB)
  • 04. The Four Pillars Of Sex-Worthiness.mp4 (1.2 GB)
  • 05. The Tempo Of The Night.mp4 (842.4 MB)
  • 06. Outer Game.mp4 (165.3 MB)
  • 07. Open.mp4 (720.5 MB)
  • 08. Be Physical.mp4 (408.0 MB)
  • 09. Hook.mp4 (277.2 MB)
  • 10. Pass Her Tests.mp4 (260.6 MB)
  • 11. Different Sets.mp4 (485.6 MB)
  • 12. Vibe.mp4 (1.3 GB)
  • 13. Determine Her Logistics.mp4 (113.0 MB)
  • 14. Verbal Structure.mp4 (254.5 MB)
  • 15. Close.mp4 (164.7 MB)
  • 16. Plan A - Pull Her.mp4 (677.4 MB)
  • 17. Plan B - Go With Her.mp4 (313.2 MB)
  • 18. Last Minute Resistance.mp4 (215.7 MB)
  • 19. Plan C - Get Her Number.mp4 (368.3 MB)
  • 20. Phone Game.mp4 (314.2 MB)
  • 21. Day 2.mp4 (107.7 MB)
  • 22. Day Game.mp4 (520.9 MB)
  • 23. Conclusion.mp4 (244.4 MB)
  • Discord Community.url (0.1 KB)
  • Pimpmymind.net.url (0.1 KB)
  • Read Me.txt (0.7 KB)
  • Telegram Channel for Mind Courses.url (0.1 KB)
  • 1. Epiphany Series
    • 1st Epiphany - Destroying Approach Anxiety.mp4 (543.8 MB)
    • 2nd Epiphany - Turn Your Personality Into A Chick Magnet.mp4 (392.1 MB)
    • 3rd Epiphany - From Drunk to (Stronger) Sober Game.mp4 (393.3 MB)
    • 4th Epiphany - Getting Over Oneitis (Or Getting Her Back).mp4 (557.0 MB)
    • 5th Epiphany - Developing A Killer Instinct To Close Them All.mp4 (635.7 MB)
    • 6th Epiphany - Drama.mp4 (928.9 MB)
    • Pimpmymind.net.url (0.1 KB)
    • Telegram Channel for Mind Courses.url (0.1 KB)
    2. Pimp Series
    • 1. Wingmanship with RSD Tyler.mp4 (1.1 GB)
    • 2. Social Manipulation of The Matrix with Ryan (Former RSD Instructor).mp4 (255.8 MB)
    • 3. Gaming 9s & 10s with Derek.mp4 (512.0 MB)
    • Pimpmymind.net.url (0.1 KB)
    • Telegram Channel for Mind Courses.url (0.1 KB)
  • 01. Introduction.mp4 (355.4 MB)


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Over 22 Videos of No-Fluff Break-down of EVERYTHING that encompasses Game with INFIELD FOOTAGE DEMONSTRATIONthat will help you reach that “Sex-Worthiness Vibe” and How To Create Those Opportunities For ANY Girl to See It, Day or Night

Split Up Into 3 main sections:


You’ll have a PHD in female attraction. Every single notion of how women think, feel and most importantly, how to make them RESPOND SEXUALLY TO YOU:
+ What Is Attraction? Its Myths and Truths (MUCH easier than you think to get attraction). Who worries about attraction? Pftt.. This won’t be a problem for you either when you go through this section
+ What takes care of attraction when talking to women. You might be focusing on the wrong things if you’re not letting her EXPERIENCE you enough, and I show you how to get her to do that in a heartbeat
+ How to STOP BEING THE PROVIDER and be THE LOVER in her eyes (you can get her in all sorts of relationship AFTER she sleeps with you). If girls won’t sleep with you because you’re “boyfriend material”, this will destroy that doomed Friend-Zone forever
+ The “Logical Buttons” to push, to make her Emotional Mind feel at ease enough to fuck you. If you let these wrong notions take over your actions with women, you’re missing out on a TON of “action”
+ MUCH more.


Finally Debunking the Myth of what “Being a Sex-Worthy Guy” is, the Inner Game section of PIMP, will LOGICALLY explain to you how to reach The Vibe of “THAT guy” who girls respond to, every single time you go out, and how to STIMULATE HER EMOTIONALLY,making you IRRESISTABLE to her:
+ The Four Pillars of a Sex-Worthy Guy: This module alone will boost you Game alone to ridiculous levels of efficiency. You will learn how to calibrate every single one of the FourPillars to adjust and have a hot-searing coal attraction from the girl EFFORTLESSLY, you’ll learn to be:
+ How to Suck Girls Into Your Sex-Worthy Reality. It’s one thing to be Sex-Worthy and that magnetic, but the key is in making the girl relate to you. You will need the finesse to ease her into it. And I show you exactly how
+ THE ONLY REASON You’ll ever need to Make Yourself Feel Good All The Time. Once you understand this concept (and I break it down so damn well), you will awaken endless positive emotions in the girl
+ My INFALLIBLE Method To Hit State. I call it The Four Mantras, and it’s literally the FASTEST way to get “in the zone” where everything that comes out of your mouth is PURE GOLD. None of my clients have experienced Approach Anxiety since teaching them this method
+ A Cheat Sheet To Maximize Your Chances To Pull Every Night. I call it Tempo of the Night, and it will give you the best strategies to end up with a girl at the end of the night, depending on where her emotions are, and I reveal the techniques that her NEED TO BE FUCKED, or if she needs you to pump her up like I’ll show you inside the course.


It’s one thing to be Sex-Worthy, but there are countless elements of randomness that a girl can’t control that prevent you from showing her you are THAT guy who she wants to fuck
So in this section I cover how to Create Opportunities for her to experience a bigger and bigger and bigger sample of your personality until she’s so crazed with emotions she won’t help but to feel like she loses more by leaving you, than sleeping with you

The cornerstone to Socially Calibrating where the girl is at emotionally, and the key to EFFECTIVELY pumping her State or “Buying Temperature” so she reaches the point where she’s emotionally ready for sex
PRESSURE ON/ PRESSURE OFF. The single BEST technique to always move the interaction forward and make her feel POTENT emotions, very quickly, without seeming creepy or needy
I reveal my “Golf Ball” analogy to reframe the massively needed collection or reference points (which will slice your learning curve to a fraction of what it normally should) Good Game is the collection of the most amount of reference points in the shortest amount of time, you DEFINITELY want to know how to get the most
And how to RECOGNIZE GAME ON A PRE-VERBAL LEVEL, as it’s something that you FEEL, not something that you hear or see
My Lethal Secret Weapon To Get Away With Anything. The easy 3-Step Formula to coming back form anything obnoxious you say, even if you take it one step too far.

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[PimpMyMind] RSD Julien - Pimp
