Orphan Cam 2009 xivid [anonymous] [switch]

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  • Language: English


  • eXtra TorrenT.txt (3.9 KB)
  • Orphan Cam 2009 [anonymous] [switch].avi (681.6 MB)
  • orphan[anounymous].txt (0.8 KB)


oke people this is from anonymous.....credit 2 him i took it from i did not fook around this time...lol .it was in rar files so i unrared it and i made new screenshots for u.....i must say...i enjoyed this one cam is not bad at allmy opinion A=7 V=6.5 but that is my opinion...remember cam is always good for first impression....espacialy in early stage til there is better quality from our uploaders i hope u enjoy

Orphan Cam 2009 xivix video [ credit anonymous ]

The tragic loss of their unborn child has devastated Kate and John, taking a toll on both their marriage and Kate's fragile psyche as she is plagued by nightmares and haunted by demons from her past. Struggling to regain some semblance of normalcy in their lives, the couple decides to adopt another child. At the local orphanage, both John and Kate find themselves strangely drawn to a young girl named Esther. Almost as soon as they welcome Esther into their home, however, an alarming series of events begins to unfold, leading Kate to believe that there's something wrong with Esther--this seemingly angelic little girl is not what she appears to be. Concerned for the safety of her family, Kate tries to get John and others to see past Esther's sweet facade. But her warnings go unheeded until it may be too late...for everyone.

Starring: CCH Pounder, Isabelle Fuhrman, Peter Sarsgaard, Vera Farmiga
Studio: Dark Castle Entertainment
Genre: Horror, Thriller
In Theaters: 2009-07-24

IMDb User Rating: 7.1/10

Video And Audio:
Display AR::::::2.457
Frane Rate::::::30,000FPS

Length::::::::::1 Hour 56Minutes

origninal MP4 file many thanks to the guy at HOS,
changed few colors ar etc,Left small black bar at
the bottom as their is some subs in the movie!
quote anonymous....

*his is how i do it
**DVD Rip Extr DVD to AVI ,AVS Video conv.
**Rip DVD9 to DVD5 with CloneDVD3, DVDFab platinum
**Rip with DVDShrink , Media Video Conv.
**Burn Video_TS files with Ashampoo 9, Shrink & burn 3 Aone Movie Maker
**Watch DVD Files with gom player, media player lite, test screen player
**Edit sony vegas pro 9.0 64bit


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681.6 MB
Orphan Cam 2009 xivid [anonymous] [switch]
