Obama Deception with EXTRAS alex jones

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  • Downloads: 578
  • Language: English


  • 20090310_ObamaDeception.avi (697.4 MB)
  • 20090602_ExtendedExtrasBilderberg.avi (325.2 MB)
  • 20090311_ObamaDeception_Extra-Interviews.avi (93.1 MB)
  • 20090311_ObamaDeception_Extra-Denver.avi (54.2 MB)
  • 20090311_ObamaDeception_Extra-Two-partyDictatorship.avi (13.4 MB)
  • truthnewsfan-obama_deception-info.txt (2.7 KB)


Brought to you by truthnewsfan.


All these files are in AVI format.


This torrent includes:

-The Obama Deception FEATURE

-EXTRA coverage of the DNC in Denver where Obama supporters attempt to silence free speech
by assaulting 9/11 truth activists,

-EXTRA extended interviews with Jesse Ventura, Gerald Celente, Ralph Nader and KRS-One.

-EXTRA learn about how Obama is a frontman for the two party dictatorship.

-EXTENDED EXTRA with even more footage from Bilderberg 2008 that didnÂ’'t fit into The Obama Deception.
Alex, Tucker and hundreds of other patriots stand up to the secret proceedings of the global elite.


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1.2 GB
Obama Deception with EXTRAS alex jones
