Mortal Kombat Annihilation - Robin Shou 1997
Mortal Kombat, destruction finale
NL ENG FR subs (.mka)
1280 x 720 **** /x.264/ac3/ 3.5/10 / Mortal Kombat is not about death, but rather the preservation of life.
Robin Shou
Talisa Soto
James Remar
Verenigde Staten
Actie / Fantasy
91 minuten
geregisseerd door John R. Leonetti
met Robin Shou, Talisa Soto en James Remar
Een groep strijders heeft zes dagen de tijd om de wereld te redden van de duivelse Shoa Kahn. Als ze hem niet op tijd verslaan, zal de Aarde samengevoegd worden met Outworld, en zal Kahn de ultieme machthebber worden.
Mortal Kombat Annihilation - Robin Shou 1997
Mortal Kombat is an ancient tournament where the Earth Realm warriors battle against the forces of Outworld. Liu Kang and a few chosen fighters fought and defeated the powerful sorcerer Shang Tsung, their victory would preserve the peace on Earth for one more generation. Taking place now where the first movie left off, the Earth realm warriors live a short period of peace when evil forces from another dimension come to invade and wreak havoc on Earth. They are guided by the forces of Outworld leader, Shao Kahn and his generals such as: Motaro, Rain, Ermac, Sheeva and Sindel. Now Liu Kang, Raiden, Jax, Sonya and Kitana must defeat Shao Kahn in six days before the Earth realm merges with the Outworld.
Best Movie Ever! - 8 April 2006
Mortal Kombat:Annihilation blew me away! I sat on the edge of my seat the whole way through, the anticipation was immense as i watched warrior after warrior struggle on endlessly for the championship of mortal combat. First of all the soundtrack is the best music ever, it is so catchy and alive, definitely the best soundtrack I've ever heard ever! The acting is superb in every way possible and the actors were definitely the right choice. The script is very well written and flows well. And finally the special effect were stunning, everything looked so real and alive. This movie will vividly stick out in my mind as a true masterpiece. One of the other highlights in this film is that it is more then 1 genre, for instance it is a romance, action, thriller, horror, comedy, war, sci-fi and fantasy packed into one gigantic adventure, this is the scariest film I've ever seen in my life, it is amazingly gory for its certificate.
Mortal Kombat is not just a movie, its a way of life...
A peine revenus sur la Terre, victorieux du Mortal Kombat, les guerriers humains reunis par Rayden, le dieu du tonnerre et des eclairs, dechantent: le ciel se dechire et de sombres creatures en descendent. A leur tete, l'empereur d'Outremonde, Shao-Kahn lui-meme.