Mark Cunningham – Renegade Hypnotist Project
Renegade Hypnotist Reveals Techniques So Potent… So Downright Primal… You can get
you want from the Women You Desire!
Simply By Making Your Women FULLY Orgasmic!
Here’s what this is all about…
My name is Mark Cunningham. I’m a professional hypnotist. And like most hypnotists my clients are almost exclusively female.
After years of Clinical Sessions, I realized a great deal of what passes for hypnotic technique is inefficient, old fashioned and just dead wrong. Basically, it works in spite of itself.
But that’s not good enough for me. I’m basically lazy so I want to do as little work as possible yet have wildly successful outcomes . So I began to develop techniques as a method to make humans change rapidily and have it be permanent.
My results were unlike anything the hypnosis world had ever seen because it was based on a powerful motivational method I invented called
“Conditioning With Pleasure” .
Every male hypnotist has had the experience of a woman client coming on to them. In fact for many it happens every day they go to the office.
But I noticed something unusual… Some women would have spontaneous orgasms when I used these techniques, even though I said nothing sexual.
And the results I got with these women were off the charts! After just one or two sessions, they were relaxed, happy, confident and easily reached their desired goals.
Before long I started getting calls from husbands asking what I did,
because suddenly he was getting laid like a rock star!
Even better, she would bring him beer while he was watching football, tell him to go out with his buddies and have dinner waiting when he got home. Both would report how much happier they were and how much better their sex life was now!
I thought… Holy crap!
I’m on to something big here.
So I started to experiment outside of my clinical practice.
I went ‘Renegade’!
I wanted to see what was really possible. I went off the reservation and started to experiment in giving women pure pleasure. I had to keep this project below the radar or risk a melt-down of my clinical practice.
My goal was a to refine my method so that it’s effective, easily learned and it works on ALL women I refined the technology to lethal effectiveness and to date have had 373 women go through my training program with 100% success.
And by success I mean these women are
- Wildly orgasmic!
- Relaxed and happy! (no more batshit crazy)
- Highly responsive sexually!
- Willing to do anything to please their man!
Even more important… All women dig it! They don’t just tolerate it or say it’s interesting… They Freaking LOVE it! (If you watched all the preview videos, you heard the girls say how much they love being a
Mark Trained Girl
As word spread, I even had husbands offer to pay me $5,000 to run their wives through the program.
But I also wanted it to be something any guy could learn and use. So I setup a special one-time only seminar in Bangkok Thailand. Invitations to this $2,500 a seat event only went out to a list of trusted insiders who I knew could keep it secret.
34 men from 11 countries attended, and to my delight they got it. Some of these men got so good at my Renegade Method they had women fighting over them!
Some of them get regular invitations to sexy Parties where girls line up to be demo subjects. A couple even get paid.
And now, I’m opening up to guys like you.
But, you have to agree you’ll
ONLY use it for good!
Like I said earlier, the only way you get your hands on the Renegade Method is if you love women and agree not to use your new power foolishly. I don’t want any calls asking how to get rid of women who are sexually addicted to you or stalking you. I mean it.
This is an exclusive club of men who will live the Renegade Lifestyle. Part of the price is being comfortable with power. Which means knowing when not to use it.
With that, here’s what you’ll get out of it…
- How to boost your physical presence… desire… and attractiveness as a Man.
- What women really want from men, but will never come out and tell you. More specifically, you’ll discover what she needs from you… And probably isn’t getting… And why!
- Secrets you can use to give women longer, stronger orgasms… the most deeply satisfying orgasms she’s ever felt BEFORE you ever have sex!
- How you can unleash the unlimited power of a woman’s sensual mind to have intense sexual sensations and enhanced pleasure responses to your touch, your words, or simply being near you!
- How to take ANY fear, guilt or inhibition she’s having sexually and make it dissolve from her mind… FOREVER!
- How to connect with the special part of the brain that relays messages to her body and sexual organs, so you can give her waves of mind-blowing pleasure.
- How to create a Feel-good Feedback loop so the more she does what you want, the better she feels and the more she wants to do for you.
- How to free her from cultural programming so she can fully experience her natural sexual responses and fully act on them… With YOU!
- How to take an already proven powerful and effective system (hypnosis) and take your sex life to a completely new levels of excitement and intimacy.
- The mesmerizing method of Conditioning With Pleasure! (It’s like an aphrodisiac of the mind)
- The fun way to electrify a woman’s ‘hard wiring’ with simple suggestions. (light up her whole body with only the sound of your voice.)
- Give her the gift of “thought-gasms”, feelings of delightful pleasure whenever she is a success in her life.
- How we humans create our own “Thought Traps” and how you can liberate your lover from being ‘stuck’ in one.
- The never before revealed highly sensual methods of “Primal Hypnosis” that women find exciting and irresistible with a man they trust.
- The complete sequence of leading a woman to be orgasmic
- How to teach her to have the blow-all-your-fuses kind of pleasure she’s only dreamed about. (Any woman CAN, they just don’t know how)
- How to be sure she trusts you 100% (These techniques won’t work without trust)
- How to turn your self into a mental aphrodisiac. Just being around you will drive her insane with lust. (Or even just the sound of your voice)
- Makes foreplay obsolete. Women do not need foreplay to be “in the mood” with these methods! (You can still do it, but only if YOU want too.)
- How to give her mouth-open, moaning, toe-curling pleasure responses with a simple touch.
- Dramatically increases the amount (and frequency) of Great Sex in a relationship!
How to give any woman over-the-top orgasms… every time. Fake orgasms won’t even cross your mind (or hers) as a possibility.
Also Includes These Bonuses… Fool Proof Hypnotic Trance This guide leads you through the foolproof hypnosis method hypnotists have been using for the last 100 years. It’s also the only one you need, and the only one I teach. It’s fast, easy, and even if you make mistakes… it still works!
This is an actual transcript of me doing the induction with a woman at one of my seminars. This is a word-for-word transcript, and also includes a detailed description of each step.
This is something my students for years have been begging me for. Never before have we included this in one of my programs.
From Stranger To Orgasm In Under An Hour Guys often ask when using my methods, just how fast can a woman have hypnotic orgasms? So I had an assistant find some women who had never been hypnotized and were willing to be on camera.
I only met them for the first time about 20 minutes before we started. I’m using the EXACT TECHNIQUES you’ll be learning, I’m just doing them at warp speed. As someone said…
“These girls are screamers”
, meaning they have enthusiastic orgasms!
Conditioning With Pleasure
This is the core technique of a Renegade Hypnotist. In a just a few minutes you can give a woman more pleasure than she’s had in the last year. This is the technique that sets up Orgasm on Command, and much much more!
This guide maps the Conditioning With Pleasure method out step-by-step for you. This is another thing my students have asked me to provide for years, now for the first time ever available in one of my programs.
Training Tara To Be Fully Orgasmic
What if you encounter a woman who has trouble having orgasms? As a Renegade Hypnotist you have all the tools to make her fully orgasmic! In this session you’ll see how it’s done.
Sadly, Tara rarely had orgasms in her life. In this series you’ll see how using Renegade Hypnosis — in less than two hours — she was having more orgasms than a platoon of women having a very ambitious year!
How To Find Women Who Want To Be Hypnotized
Created to answer the common question “How do I find women who want to be hypnotized?”
This method was created 10 years ago by one of my students. Not only did he quickly find dozens of women to practice with, he ended up dating many of them.
Best part… when you use this method… Women will FIND YOU and ask to be hypnotized. All you have to do is tell them when to show up