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pHrOzEn - HeLL pReSeNtS
Magic DVD Copier v6.0.2
tHe sToRy gOeS lIkE tHiS
rElEaSe tYpE : pAtCh [ ] sErIaL [X] kEyGeN [ ] oThEr [ ]
rElEaSe dAtE : 06/11/2011 dIsKs : [xx/02]
OS pLaTfOrM : WinAll
pRoGrAm tYpE : Application
O cRaCkEr : tEaM pHrOzEn-HeLL tEsTeR : tEaM pHrOzEn-HeLL
O tItLe : Magic DVD Copier v6.0.2
O uRl : D'oh! --> Scroll down and read our news instead <--
O aBoUt yOuR nEw leEtCh
Magic DVD Copier is a very easy and powerful DVD copy software,
which can copy any DVD movie to blank DVD without any loss of
quality, or compress a DVD9 movie to fit on a 4.7 GB DVD.
Magic DVD Copier can also copy DVD movies to hard drive without any
loss of quality. You can enjoy them anytime without DVD discs.
Key Features:
- Copy DVD movie to blank DVD in 1:1 mode
- Compress a DVD9 movie to a 4.7 GB blank DVD
- Split a DVD9 movie to two 4.7 GB blank DVDs
without any loss of quality
- Copy main movie or specified titles only
- Copy DVD movie to hard drive and burn DVD movie from hard drive
- Remove all the restrictions of DVD
(CSS, Region, RCE, Sony ARccOS, PuppetLock)
- High speed, copy a full DVD disc in 1:1 mode within 20-40 minutes
- Very easy to use, just by one click
- Support almost all DVD Writers and blank DVDs
What's New in Magic DVD Copier V6.0.2:
- A completely new GUI.
- Added fixes for the popular newly protected DVDs,
such as "Thor", "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides",
"Transformers: Dark of the Moon", "Cars 2",
"Captain America - The First Avenger" etc.
- Fix the issue that failed to create .ISO file.
- Improved the uploading function for ifo files
to be friendlier to Anti-virus software.
- Some minor fixes and improvements.
---NOTE--- A short note on our Magic.DVD.Ripper.v6.0.1 release ------
(2011-10-24) we did "Magic.DVD.Ripper.v6.0.1-PH" which includes two
different serials. Both serials should pass all checks; including
a new additional check which was added since version 6 and is
triggered when the app counter reaches the 10th rip.
So far for the theory, but then two days later we see this...
(2011-10-26) Magic.DVD.Ripper.v6.0.1.WORKING-LAXiTY saying
>> The keys from relase "Magic.DVD.Ripper.v6.0.1-PH" <<
>> don't work after the 10th rip. <<
Hmm, crap, did we really miss something there?!
Well, we immediately took Magic.DVD.Ripper.v6.0.1-PH back to testing.
But even after many hours testing... (yes, ripping a DVD takes some
time and especially if you have to do it numerous times ;)
...our testers could not make the app and serials become
Also we did not see a scene-nuke on our release.
However we noticed that "Magic.DVD.Ripper.v6.0.1.WORKING-LAXiTY"
was nuked for "dupe.PH.2011-10-24" on a few places.
That proofs and shows us that our serials do not only work for us,
but they also do work for everyone else ...... but TEAM LAXiTY ;)
TEAM LAXiTY this is no offense, so please do not take this as one.
We at TEAM PH are only really wondering how you TEAM LAXiTY managed
it to make our serial dont work after the 10th rip.
// Thanks for your attention
sO wHaT dO i dO nOw
Install as normal and see the included pHeLL.txt file.
As always register while offline!
pHrOzEn-HeLL nEwS
Born January 2002, PH is still alive!
Wanna join tEaM pHrOzEn-HeLL ?
We are looking for:
+ Crackers [Any OS]
(Able to crack on their own)
+ Suppliers
(Retail Software and/or other stuff)
+ Bouncer/Shell suppliers
(Legit ones, used for legal purpose only)
+ Skilled Unpackers
(Able to defeat latest software protections)
+ Talented Coders
(Able to code useful tools/scripts)
+ Game Trainers
(Coding trainers for actual games)
+ Gfx-artists
+ Anything else that might interest/help us :)
We do *NOT* need:
- Carders
- Couriers
- Insecure Sites
- Dumb Retards & Lamers of any kind
Want us as affil?
SiteOps who want to affil with tEaM pHrOzEn-HeLL
are always welcome to contact us for apply.
(Legit sites only!)
How to contact us
Drop us a PM, try site msg or
ask your local affils and traders
pHrOzEn-HeLL sHoUtz
Greetz fly out to everyone in the scene
way too many to mention here...
ORiON - UCF - TMG - Lz0 - EAT - CORE
B2R - OMA - MOD - RSS - DoNE - Replica
...anyway you all know who you are
-> R.I.P. Sara/Squirrel (+ 12/12/2003)
:: Disclaimer // Legal Notice ::
tEaM pHrOzEn-HeLL or any of its members can NOT
be held responsible for anything they release.
Use it at your own risk!
The end-user may use our release for
our release (incl. keygens/serials/cracks/etc)
after maximum of one day using/testing it.
So, if you like the software and/or want to
use it for commercial purpose(s) then please
support the author and BUY IT!!
NFO Designed By
c00ljim / Squirrel`
lAsT uPdAtEd: 28th Mar 2010
fIlE CRC dAtA : pHeLL.txt = 5BDE334B
ReleaseID: E04288D1-04