Macrobolic Nutrition: Priming Your Body to Build Muscles & Burn Fat -Mantesh
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DescriptionQuote:Macrobolic Nutrition: Priming Your Body to Build Muscles & Burn Fat Basic Health Publications Gerard Dente May 2004 English ISBN :1591201314 65 pages 20 MB Many people want to attain the muscles and lean body of a bodybuilder but wonder how to do it right. Some have been pumping iron but haven't been able to get the results they're striving for. This book gives readers the key to attaining that sculpted body without wasting their efforts in the gym. It explains the principles of the Macobolic Nutrition plan, which can be used to get bigger, leaner, and healthier. Readers will gain an undestanding of the impact food has on the many biochemical processes in the body that influence muscle growth and fat burning. Gerard Dente is a nationally ranked bodybuilder, who understands the importance of nutition and supplementation fo maximum perfomance. His own personal quest to find supplements that would give him a competitive edge let to his study of the science behind nutrition and supplementation and their effects on muscle building and performance. In this book, he shares his knowledge of how nutritional intake can be maximized to meet bodybuilding goals.
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