Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 - is a universal means of information protection. The program provides not only antivirus protection but also protection against spam and network attacks. Also, components of the program allows you to protect your computer from unknown threats and internet fraud, control user access to the Internet.
Kaspersky it is intended for complex protection of personal computers. Kaspersky provides reliable, complete protection of a computer against all types of electronic threats - nocuous programs, hacker attacks, a spam-dispatches, letters, persuasive advertising emerging windows, etc.
Complete protection is provided on all channels and information transfer. Flexible configuration of any component maximizes Kaspersky Internet Security adapt to their specific needs.
New protection:
In Kaspersky Internet Security structure includes a component control programs, which together with Proactive Defense and Firewall which provides universal protection against any threats. Component registers the actions made by programs in the system, and regulates their activities on the basis of what degree of confidence assigned to them. Component controls access to personal user data, to parameters and objects of the operating system, and prevents the execution of programs of dangerous actions in the system.
A new component of IM-Virus provides security while working with the majority of programs for instant messaging. Component checks messages for malicious objects. The mechanism of start of third-party programs in the protected virtual environment - a safe environment. Start the Internet browser in a secure environment provides security view of Web resources, including protection against penetration of malicious programs on your computer and protect user data from unauthorized modification and deletion, as well as the ability to delete all the objects accumulated over a session on the Internet: time files, cookies, history of visiting web pages, etc.
In Kaspersky Internet Security now includes a module check references, which is operated by Web Anti-Virus. The module checks all links on a Web page, it belongs to the suspicious and web addresses. The module is built into Web browsers Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox as a plug. Control access to phishing Web sites and protection from phishing attacks carried out by checking the references contained in messages and on Web pages, and when trying to access Web sites on the basis of phishing URLs. Check for membership to the database of phishing URLs is available for Web Anti-Virus, IM-Virus and Anti-Spam. In the task list check the new tool - search, which makes it easier to find and eliminate security threats and vulnerabilities in the programs installed on your computer and operating system settings.
New interface: A new approach to security management - the center of defense.
Protecting your computer is provided in three areas: files and personal user data, the objects of the operating system and programs installed on your computer, as well as work on the network. For each area of protection corresponds to a different set of components of Kaspersky Internet Security. Using the Advocacy Center, the user can assess which component is involved in the protection of certain categories of resources, and move quickly to set up its parameters. Wizards and tools that help solve specific tasks to ensure the security of your computer, in a separate section of Security +
»Protects from all types of malware and spyware
»Scans files, email messages and Internet traffic
»Protects instant messengers (ICQ, MSN)
»Updates automatically
»Two-way personal firewall
»Safe Wi-Fi and VPN connections
»Intrusion prevention system
»Intelligent application management and control
»Proactive protection from unknown threats
»Scans OS and applications for vulnerabilities
»Disables links to malware sites
»Disables links to phishing websites
»Virtual keyboard for safe entry of logins and passwords
»Prevents theft of data via secure connections (HTTPS / SSL)
»Blocks unauthorized dial-up connections
»Parental control
»Antispam protection
New features:
»Improved HIPS technology assigns a danger rating to unknown programs
»Innovative Sandbox technology has been implemented
»The protection of personal user data has been extended and enhanced
»The new Script Emulator analyzes the behavior of scripts, to assess their potential harmfulness
»The new IM Anti-Virus component ensures the safe operation of most instant messaging applications
»Improvements to the Virtual keyboard component provide safer entry of personal information
»Components of Kaspersky Internet Security can be temporarily disabled, to improve computer performance
»The anti-virus kernel of Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 has been significantly improved
»URL scanning module managed by Web Anti-Virus
System requirements:
~ 100 MB of free hard disk space
CD-ROM (for installation from CD)
Computer mouse
Intel Pentium 800 MHz 32-bit (x86) / 64 bit (x64) or higher (or compatible processor)
512 MB free RAM
Internet connection (for activation and product updates)
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher (for downloading updates)
To ensure normal functioning of the program your computer must meet the following requirements:
1. General requirements
* 480 MB free hard disk space.
* CD / DVD-ROM (for installation from the distribution CD-ROM).
* Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher.
* Microsoft Windows Installer 2.0.
* Internet connection for software activation, update databases and software modules.
2. Operating Systems
* For Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (Service Pack 2 or higher), Microsoft Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 2 or higher), Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition (Service Pack 2 or higher):
o Intel Pentium processor 800 MHz or higher (or compatible);
o 512 MB of free RAM.
* Microsoft Windows Vista Home Basic, Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium, Microsoft Windows Vista Business, Microsoft Windows Vista Enterprise, Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate, Microsoft Windows 7 Starter, Microsoft Windows 7 Home Basic, Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Microsoft Windows 7 Professional, Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate:
o Intel Pentium processor, 1 GHz 32-bit (x86) / 64-bit (x64) or higher (or compatible);
o 1 GB (x32) / 2 GB (x64) of free RAM.
Requirements for netbooks:
* Processor Intel Atom 1.33 MHz (Z520) or compatible.
* Intel GMA950 graphics card with video memory of at least 64 MB (or compatible).
* Diagonal screen size not less than 10.1 inches.
Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 - is a universal means of information protection. The program provides protection from viruses and malicious programs unknown threats and internet fraud, and also allows you to control user access to a computer and the Internet.
Complete protection is provided on all channels to receive and impart information. Flexible configuration of each component of the protection to adapt Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 for the needs of a specific user.
New protection:
* Significantly improved technology Sandbox, using the principles of virtualization to create a safe environment program execution. Now you can run suspicious programs on a separate virtual desktop, which provides protection for the operating system. To work with Web resources which require you to enter sensitive information, the Safe Browsing mode implemented web sites (safe browser) to protect the data entered.
* Possible components of Web Anti-Virus expanded by adding new modules:
o Internet banking identifies the bank Web sites and offers a switch to safer browsing Web sites to work with them.
o Web Filter is a previously installed module checking references, supplemented by a new regime of blocking Web sites with high hazard rating according to Kaspersky Labs. When enabled, access to dangerous Web sites will be blocked, but for unknown Web sites will be invited to switch to safer browsing Web sites.
o Geo-filter allows you to enable or disable access to regional domains, depending on their level of infestation.
* Introduced new technology of Wisdom of the Crowd (The Wisdom of Crowds), displaying information about the frequency of use of programs and their distribution in groups of trust among the participants of the service Kaspersky Security Network. This information helps to make an objective decision when assigning the status of the confidence the new program.
* Operating systems, Microsoft Windows Vista and Microsoft Windows 7 is available Kaspersky Gadget, showing the state to protect your computer and allows you to check objects on the presence of threats.
* Added monitoring of activity - a new component of protection, which analyzes the file, registry, system and network activity on the computer, as well as receive information on events detected by other components of the defense.
If you find a dangerous activity in the system components such as proactive protection, File Anti-Virus, as well as checking for viruses, monitoring activity serves undo malicious programs.
The structure activity monitoring the patterns of risky behavior programs (BSS). These templates allow you to detect both dangerous and suspicious behavior of programs on your computer. If you find suspicious activity in the system based on templates or working Proactive defense displays a notice with information about the incident.
* New technology startup tasks during idle computer can perform a number of demanding tasks, such as automatic updates, check system memory and the search for rootkits at the time when the computer is turned on, but not used.
* To improve the reliability of the program is implemented protection against interception of DNS-queries and substitution of addresses of network nodes.
* Added check Web-Antivirus FTP-traffic in addition to the verification of HTTP-traffic.
* In connection with the emergence of new e-mail clients, including Microsoft Live Mail, is no longer supported functionality Manager messages.
* Significantly improved technology for controlling the activity of programs HIPS (Host-based Intrusion Prevention System), which allows you to impose a unique set of restrictions and rules on a separate program, restrict running untrusted programs to run Kaspersky Internet Security, exclude certain items from the list of controlled resources. Extended kinds of privileges and programs implemented over the exact algorithm for determining the status of the program.
* To refine and improve Parental Control component that provides control of correspondence in social networks and the Internet pagers, prohibition of communication with unwanted contacts and forwarding of personal data, the limitation of time using a computer and the Internet, download files, and run various programs.
* Improved technology component of the Anti-Spam. The technology of processing graphic images displayed on a qualitatively new level, reduced the size of databases, as well as improved filtering technology text in Oriental languages.
* Improved technology treatment of active infection. Added ability to download the utility AVPTool, scans the computers, if the installation program is completed with an error and you suspect that your computer is infected.
With a more effective error handling installation for suspected infection improved mechanism for rolling back the installation, completed with an error.
* Enhanced service ERD: added ability to record a disc image on CD-ROM or USB-device. Now you can work in text mode. When booting from a rescue disk boot sectors except for verification and file systems are checked startup objects.
* Expanded use of the service Kaspersky Security Network. Improved security and reliability of interaction with the Kaspersky Security Network, including at work through a proxy server.
* Improved technology Urgent Detection System (UDS): increased rate of adding new threats in the database, improved algorithm for the treatment of UDS.
* Performance improvements find rootkits on the system. The new updated components can detect rootkits, and more quickly add data about new rootkits to the database program. Fully updated logic treatment ensures quick counter new types of rootkits.
* Improved anti-phishing technology through the use of image analysis, addresses, html-pages, linguistic analysis of textual information in the reports and analysis URL.
* Improved the News Agent, which is the primary means of delivering news from Kaspersky Lab.
* To automatically download and install the new version of the program in addition to warning about a new version.
New in the program interface:
* Improved interface for the convenience of beginners.
* Completely redesigned the form of event notifications, making them intuitive and informative.
* Context menu providing access to basic functions of the program, it became easier and more structured.
* The 2011 version is not supported by the choice of components of the program during its installation. You install the program in full. If necessary, the individual components of protection can be disabled from the program interface.
1. When you work in a safe environment may experience the following problems:
* Does not support changing attributes of folders.
* Does not controlled transition from banking sites to any other.
* The gadget does not support switching from the desktop security to normal operation.
* You can not install some programs.
* Cleaning secure environment possible, some time after the completion of the work with her.
* Does not work in virtual keyboard mode, the desktop security.
* When working with two monitors may be a significant demand on system resources when running programs.
2. You may have problems with the component Anti-Spam programs ThunderBird 3.0 and Microsoft Outlook 2010.
3. Information on the amount of traffic in the Firewall settings are not updated in real time. To update the information required to close and reopen the window.
4. Possible incorrect handling of some mail formats in the performance of scanning for viruses.
5. When installing over version lower than 2010 possible incorrect pickup program parameters used in the previous version.
6. If you cancel running the removal program may need to restore the program or reinstall it.
7. When working with the quarantine and backup storage may experience the following problems:
* When you restore a file from the repository of its attributes are not saved.
* When you start testing a separate quarantine facility from the context menu of the object is checked all objects quarantine.
* Change the values for "Maximum storage or removal of restrictions on the maximum size of storage required to restart the program.
8. When you send event notification via e-mail can sometimes come two letters.
9. The virtual keyboard does not work input language Sogou Chinese. When you drag a virtual keyboard is not displayed its contents.
10. When you use the gadget does not work managing desktop security and view news, obtained by The News Agent.
To install, run the distribution file and follow the instructions in the wizard.
1. When you install Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 detects and allows you to remove programs, joint work with which can lead to slower (up to totally unable to) work on your computer.
2. The program can be installed over the following programs:
* Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2010
* Kaspersky Internet Security 2010
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