Xenharmonic (adj.): Pertaining to music which sounds unlike that composed in the familiar 12 tone equal-tempered scale. -- L Darreg
Ivor Darreg was born in 1917 in Seattle and lived there until age 15. He took 'cello lessons as a teenager and became interested in exploring pitches outside the conventional 12 tones of the Western scale He 'cello teacher didn't approve and that was the end of that - the end of that teacher' services, not of Ivor's musical explorations.
In 1936 Ivor built one of the earliest synthesizers, a monophonic one-note-at-a-time instrument equipped with a vacuum tube oscillator and a keyboard taken from an accordion. Buttons on the console let Ivor detune any note up or down by a quartertone.
During World War II Ivor gutted a discarded grand piano frame and used it to build an amplifying clavichord with home-made electronic pickups built from magnets wound with copper wire.
By the 1950s Ivor had immersed himself in electronic music and tape music, and with borrowed tape recorders he was able to assemble early tape collages, including pieces like Fantastic Reverberations (a study in tape echo) and Piano Tune A Fish Scale (produced from recordings of him tuning various pianos) and Snatsnit Wog and the End psychic Quartet (Ivor overdubbed with himself singing, with some recordings done in the morning so his voice sounded deep, and other recordings done late at night when his voice sounded higher-pitched).
A crucial turning point arrived when Ivor came across M. Joel Mandelbaum's brand-new PhD thesis in1960, Multiple Division of the Octave and the Tonal Resources of Nineteen Tone Tuning. In addition to his doctoral thesis, Mandelbaum composed pieces in 19 equal tones and performed them with a fellow pianist on two retuned pianos. Ivor contacted Mandelbaum and got a copy of the reel-to-reel tape of those compositions. The striking effect of the 19 equal tone compositions impressed Ivor, and he set about building a polyphonic vacuum tube synthesizer (transistors in 1961 remained rare and exotic and much more expensive than vacuum tubes) with 60 fully retunable notes. Playing his Elastic Tuning organ in different tuning systems, Ivor discovered that the "mood" or "sound" which he had attributed to Mandelbaum's compositional skills actually resulted from the 19 tone equal tuning Moreover, Ivor discovered that each different tuning had its own striking musical "mood" or "sonic fingerprint."
In the early 1960s Ivor encountered a 1958 patent by Erv Wilson for a 31 tone equal keyboard. Ivor learned that Ery lived in Los Angeles just as Ivor did, and Ivor phoned Ery and met with him and got to 100k around Erv's studio. Erv's tubulongs and refretted guitars made an impression on Ivor, and he built his own sets of tubulongs and refretted guitars in addition to his electronic instruments plank. The megalyra therefore had two sides with two different sets of strings, top and bottom, while the kosmolyra had four sides with four different sets of strings. The kosmolyra offered more versatility, since each of the four sets of strings could be tuned to a different system, and Ivor often tuned one side to just intonation and another side to some equal division of the octave. The megalyrai strings typically got tuned in unisons and octaves, while the kosmolyra strings got tuned to just ratios (8:9:10:11:12:13:14:15:16, for example) or other pitches (subsets of 31 equal or 19 equal) drawn from various alternative non-12 tuning systems. The kosmolyra player could instantly move from one tuning system to an entirely different one merely by rotating the kosmolyra as it stood vertically, something no other instrument could easily do.
The playing technique for the megalyra and kosmolyra instruments involved using a glass bottle or a metal tube in the manner of a steel guitar. The "slide" let Ivor get gliding glissandi as well as fixed pitched, and sounding many different strings at once allowed the kosmolyra to produce static or gliding chords of just intonation pitches -- something no other instrument at the time could do.
Ivor also refretted many different guitars to vatrious equal tuning systems, and he built a variety of other electronic instruments. Ivor built an amplifying 'cello, his own Theremin with a keyboard that controlled loudness rather than pitch, and he built the Electric Keyboard Drum, an instrument created from secondhand commutator-interrupted relay circuits thrown out by the telephone company when it changed over to rotary dial encoders in the late 1940s. The Electric Keyboard Drum produces pitched buzzing sounds caused by the opening and closing of the electric relay circuits, a sound halfway between pitch and noise. The Electric Keyboard Drum produces a peculiar effect because its pitch comes mainly from periodicity pitch, the effect of pitch that results from periodically interrupted noise. Each individual note from the Electric Keyboard Drum sounds like noise in isolation, but when contrasted with other notes, they take on a distinctive pitch.
Ivor typically calculated the length of the tubulongs from logarithm tables, using the rule of thumb that with tubes or bars, twice the length produces a pitch two octaves lower. This let him rough-cut the tubes to the desired approximate length. The tubes then got fine-tuned by filing metal off the ends of the tubes. The nodes at which no vibration occurs typically occur 2/9 of the way from either end, so Ivor made paint marks at those points and mounted the tubes of rubber or neoprene gaskets at those points. One advantage of tubes as musical instruments, as Ivor pointed out, remained the fact that they tended to stay in tune for a century or more. Guitars and megalyrai and kosmlyrai had stretched strings that tended to go out of tune not so tubulongs. They served as excellent fixed-pitch references before the advent of modern digital synthesizers.
Notes by McLaren
Ivor Darreg (b. 1917) invented his first electronic instrument (the keyboard oboe) in 1936, at age 19. He has been building electronic and acoustic instruments and exploring microtonal scales for more than 50 years, and is widely regarded as one of the leading microtonal composers and theoreticians in the United States. His informal newsletter The Xenharmonic Bulletin has inspired offshoots as diverse as John H. Chalmers Jr. 's XENHARmoNiKoN and PITCH, the Journal for International Microtonahsts.
This appears to be the only video record of Ivor’s tubulongs and megalyrai. Many photographs exist of his “Mondran Totem Pole.” As he called them, but no video other than this one. It’s important to bear in mind in the crude technology of the 1970s and the 1980s: Affordable home VCRs didn’t exist until 1975 and home camcorders, now common, didn’t exist at all until the early 1980s. This video recording was made using a standalone VCR and a second-hand early video camera mounted on a tripod. The sound is in stereo, something camcorders of the time typically didn’t allow. The peculiar video effect interfering with the picture in the second section on megalyrai results from the overhead high-tension power lines running near the back of Ivor’s house.
Ivor spent a lifetime building his own electronic and acoustic musical instruments. Much of his electronic test equipment was also home-built. As a composer, Ivor yearned for new timbral resources, and he also wanted to explore beyond the conventional twelve tones of the Western tuning system. Back in the 1950s and 1960s, that meant one of two things: either build your own acoustic instrument like a xylophone or a metallphone locked into a single tuning, or build an electronic instruments.
The virtue of tubulongs is that they form their own resonators and so require no elaborate modifications beyond sawing water pipes or electrical conduit to length. Ivor tuned the tubes using a Stroboconn tuner, an early tuning device from the 1960s that used a strobing display that stabilized to black band when you narrowed in one the frequency you wanted.
Using early tuning equipment like the Stroboconn could prove treacherous. Erv once described to me tuning up a set of 53 tone equal tubulongs only to discover that by the time he reached the last few tubes, the Stroboconn tuner had drifted in frequency and so the lower tubes had to be retuned all over again because they were now out of tune with the upper tubes. Early analog electronic gear like the Stroboconn tuner had components that changed their electrical properties as they heated up - so after using it for several hours, the Stroboconn could drift in frequency. The solution? Let the Stroboconn warm up first for several hours.
Still, crude as they were, devices like the Stroboconn tuner represented a big leap beyond the equipment available to instrument tuners in the 1950s. Lou Harrison once described to me the process by which his partner, instrument builder William Colvig, tuned one of the first gamelans built in the United States. Colvig had to use a microphone and an oscilloscope to narrow in on the tuning. Adriaan Daniel Fokker used the same oscilloscope method to tune a 31 equal pipe organ in the Netherlands, but he had an easier time of it because pipe organ timbres produced harmonic series overtones, easy for an oscilloscope to deal with. The inharmonic tones of metal bars and metal tubes prove more difficult for tuning instruments to deal with, since these waveforms tend to repeat irregularly due to the inharmonmic overtones they contain. Fortuantely for tuners, metal bars tend to die down to a nearly sinewave waveform as the overtones fade out, so a struck metal bar or metal tube will tend to settle into a periodic sinewave as the note dies out, and this can be picked up and measured on an oscilloscope. Ivor wound his own pickups for the megalyrai and the kosmolyrai. He mounted a cheap Radio Shack circular magnet (back when Radio Shack mainly sold such things, instead of cellphones) on an electric drill and then fed insulated transformer wire around the magnet as the drill spun. Ivor shielded the pickups from electrical interference by mounting them in inverted metal ice cube trays.
Ivor’s megalyra and kosmolyra instruments also functioned as works of modern art. The multiple different-colored fret lines Ivor placed on these instruments served an artistic as well as a musical purpose. Ivor's megalyra instruments and kosmolyrai were often exhibited at art shows standing vertically, as sculptures. The fact that you could play them as musical instruments offered an added bonus.
Ivor wanted the megalya and kosmolyra instruments to be able to handle any tuning, both just and equal divisions of the octave, so he refrained from mounting physical frets on them, preferring to use painted fret lines. Ivor was capable ot fretting guitars – he did it many times, using cut pieces of wire coat hangers as frets. He didn’t do it with the megalyra family of instruments because he didn’t want to lock players into a single tuning system.
The kosmolyra instruments used thick square beams, while the megalyra consisted of a long wooden.
---Notes by McLaren