I grandi film in HD di Mandragola (Stabler)


Scheda film
Titolo originale - Original title: THE PILLARS OF THE EARTH
Nazionalità - Country: USA
Anno - Year: 2010
Genere - Gender: Drama - History - Romance
Regia - Director: Sergio Mimica-Gezzan
Soggetto - Subjects: Ken Follett
Sceneggiatura - Screenplay: John Pielmeier
Produzione - Production: Ridley Scott, Tony Scott, David W. Zucker
Musiche - Music: Trevor Morris
Fotografia - Photography: Attila Szalay
Montaggio - Mounting: Sylvain Lebel
Cast: Ian McShane - Waleran, Matthew MacFadyen - Prior Philip, Eddie Redmayne - Jack Jackson, Hayley Atwell - Aliena, Sarah Parish - Regan Hamleigh, Natalia Wörner - Ellen, David Oakes - William Hamleigh, Tony Curran - King Stephen, Sam Claflin - Richard, Anatole Taubman - Remigius, Liam Garrigan - Alfred, Gotz Otto - Walter, Jody Halse - Johnny Eightpence, David Bark-Jones - Francis, Rufus Sewell -Tom Builder, Alison Pill - Maud, John Pielmeier - Cuthbert, Sidney Johnston - Jonathan, Matt Devere - Gloucester, Skye Bennett - Martha, Lisa Millett - Kate, Robert Bathurst - Percy Hamleigh, Donald Sutherland - Bartholomew, Clive Wood - Re Enrico I, Kate Dickie - Agnes, Freddie Boath - Re Enrico II all'età di 15 anni
la trasposizione televisiva, lunga 8 ore e costata 40 milioni di dollari., di uno dei romanzi/saga più letti nel mondo (14 milioni di copie vendute), ambientata nell’Inghilterra del XII secolo, attorno alla costruzione di una maestosa cattedrale a Kingsbridge, progetto che scatena una feroce guerra di potere, perché. come ha spiegato lo stesso Follett “per ciascun personaggio è il simbolo di una diversa aspirazione”. La serie vanta produttori d’eccellenza: Ridley e Tony Scott e nel cast spicca la partecipazione straordinaria di Donald Sutherland e quella dello stesso Ken Follett.
Il racconto de I Pilastri della Terra copre un arco temporale di 50 anni, che ha inizio in un momento particolarmente delicato in cui l’Inghilterra è allo sbando dopo la morte del re e la conseguente lotta per la successione. Tra intrighi, lotte di potere, passioni nascoste e guerre di religione, si snodano le appassionanti avventure del muratore Tom (Rufus Sewell, John Adams, Dark City), del priore Philip (Mattew Macfayden, già interprete dello sceriffo di Nottingham dell’ultimo Robin Hood), del crudele William (David Oakes Trinità, Walter’s War), della bella Aliena, (Natalia Wörner, Miss Texas, Storm Tide) e di Ian MacShane (Deadwood e Sexy Beast), nei panni del cattivo Waleran.
In the 12th century A.D., Tom Builder is a poor, honourable stonemason working on a new house for young aristocrat William Hamleigh, whose parents hope to arrange his marriage to Lady Aliena, daughter of the Earl of Shiring. When Aliena spurns him, William, a selfish and petulant young man, angrily halts work on the house and fires Tom. By winter, Tom and his family are homeless and destitute. Tom's wife, Agnes, dies in the forest while giving birth to their third child. Tom cannot feed the baby boy and in his grief, leaves the child on Agnes's grave, taking his other children, Martha and Alfred. Tom and his family fall in with Ellen, a literate young woman who ran away from a convent after becoming pregnant, and her son Jack, whom Tom meets in the forest. Alfred comes to despise Jack because he is clever and can read. After many hardships, the family settles down in Kingsbridge, where Prior Philip, the upright and godly head of the local monastery, hopes to build a cathedral and to make his religious establishment the centre of a thriving market town.
Philip's brother, Francis, a priest, is secretary to Robert, Earl of Gloucester, a bastard son of King Henry I. Before Henry's death, he insists the feudal barons of England, including Robert, the king's nephewStephen of Blois, and Bartholomew, Earl of Shiring, swear to support his daughter, Empress Maud, as his successor. When Henry dies, however, Stephen seizes the throne. Francis knows that his master and Earl Bartholomew plan an armed rebellion in support of Maud. He believes Stephen would have a better relationship with the Church, and asks Philip to find a way to warn Stephen, enlisting the aid of the Bishop of Kingsbridge. Unable to see the Bishop, Philip reveals the secret to the Bishop's archdeacon, the cunning and ambitious Father Waleran Bigod. Father Waleran suggests to Sir Percy and Lady Hamleigh and their son William that they can earn Stephen's favour by arresting Earl Bartholomew before he can act.
The Hamleighs, humiliated by Aliena's rejection of William, are only too glad to cause the downfall of her father. They succeed in taking Bartholomew's castle by force and the earl is arrested and sent to Winchester for judgment. Aliena and her brother, Richard, remain at their father's castle, bewildered and unsure of what to do. Sir Percy is made Earl of Shiring by Stephen as a reward for his actions. William is sent to the castle to prepare it for his parents' occupancy. Finding Aliena and Richard there, he rapes Aliena and forces Richard to watch. Afterward, the pair escape by stealing the horses of William and his groom, Walter. Aliena succeeds in seeing Earl Bartholomew before his death. Bartholomew asks Aliena to swear that she will never rest until Richard is earl. Penniless and alone except for Richard, Aliena takes up buying and selling wooll in Kingsbridge, and meets Prior Philip, who agrees to buy her wool for a fair price. Prior Philip buys Aliena's wool before she has bought it from the sheep-farmers, thus providing liquidity for her business; in return, he obtains the wool at a discount. Meanwhile, Ellen and Tom marry, and Jack becomes enamoured of Aliena.The story then moves ahead 4 years; Prior Philip is succeeding in making Kingsbridge a successful, respectable town, but it is difficult with war raging between Maud and King Stephen, who are fighting for the throne. Under Tom's tutelage, Jack has become a skilled stone carver and work on the cathedral is going well. William Hamleigh and Aliena's brother, Richard, are both fighting for Stephen, financed by the earldom of Shiring and Aliena's successful wool business respectively.Despite her thriving business, Aliena is lonely and unhappy, eventually becoming friends with Jack over a love of stories. Over the summer, Aliena's feelings for Jack turn from friendship to love without her realising. The rivalry between Alfred and Jack has not disappeared and, after a drunken brawl between them, Tom is forced to dismiss one. Jack is dismissed but given the chance to remain at Kingsbridge by becoming Prior Philip's overseer on the building and a monk.When Sir Percy dies, William finds the earldom is out of money due partly to Kingsbridge taking valuable trade away from Shiring. William attacks Kingsbridge, burning much of the town including Aliena's fortune in wool. Tom is killed in the attack. Aliena, with no income to finance her brother, marries Alfred, now a wealthy master mason, in return for his promise to pay Richard's expenses. Aliena makes love to Jack just before her wedding with Alfred (who is cursed by Ellen), and Jack leaves England, heartbroken. Alfred is cold, abusive and impotent. Alfred persuades Philip to let him replace the cathedral's wooden roof with a stone vault. The walls were not designed for this and the church collapses, killing 79 people on the day of its consecration. In the rubble, Aliena gives birth to a baby with bright red hair like Jack, and Alfred throws her out. Ellen arrives to see her grandson and advises Aliena to look for Jack, who was heading for Compostela to look for work. During his pilgrimage, Jack meets Moorish scholars and mathematicians in Toledo and helps build Saint Denis Basilica in Paris, thus learning how to build rib vaulting and pointed arches. He is reunited with Aliena in St. Denis. Passing through Cherbourg, Jack learns that his father came from there (the name "Jack Shareburg" was anglicised from "Jacques Cherbourg"), and meets his grandmother, cousins, and other family members. But when he comes back to Kingsbridge, Prior Philip refuses to marry Jack and Aliena, stating that she is still married to Alfred. Philip insists they live apart until Aliena's marriage to Alfred can be annulled, assuring them it shouldn't be more than a year.Seven years later, Bishop Waleran Bigod and the Hamleighs have teamed up, aiming for the downfall of Kingsbridge, Philip, and Aliena. (They attempted to build a cathedral at Shiring but ran out of money). Jack and Aliena are still living apart, due to Walaran delaying the annulment. The strain is taking its toll on both of them. Alfred has moved to Shiring and builds houses for the gentry but returns to Kingsbridge, destitute, when the work runs out. Out of pity, and in memory of Tom, Jack gives him a job on the cathedral.
Richard has joined the forces of Maud's son, Henry, Count of Anjou, who is pressing her claim to the throne ofEngland. When Henry comes to England with an invading force, negotiations with King Stephen lead to a deal in which Henry is to succeed Stephen on the throne and all properties are to be returned to those who owned them before Stephen became king - including the earldom of Shiring. Richard, now regarded by the people of the district as "the rightful Earl," has many soldiers under his command, but lacks sufficient force to retake the castle of Shiring, held by William. Aliena befriends William Hamleigh's miserable young wife, Elizabeth, and helps Richard take the castle of Shiring from within, finally securing the earldom and fulfilling her oath to her father. Later, Alfred succumbs to his envy for his stepbrother and lust for his wife; he tries to rape Aliena and is killed by Richard. William Hamleigh, now Sheriff of Shiring, tries to arrest Richard but Prior Philip sends Richard on crusade. Richard escapes William Hamleigh and leaves Aliena to run the earldom, who can finally marry Jack.
Many years pass. Kingsbridge cathedral is finally completed, in the "French Style", and becomes famous around England for its beauty: it is the first Gothic cathedral in England. Jack has solved a vexing problem—transverse stresses from wind, which causes hairline cracks in the clerestory— by independently inventing the flying buttress. In a sudden attack, Bishop Waleran publicly accuses Prior Philip of breaking his vow of chastity; Waleran claims that the monk, Jonathan, (Tom Builder's son, now grown and raised in the monastery) was Philip's secret child. Jack connects Jonathan with Tom Builder's lost baby and Ellen swears, in court, that Jonathan is Tom Builder's son. Bishop Waleran accuses her of lying under oath so she accuses Waleran of perjury, resulting in a fight and the death of her lover, Jack's father. It is revealed that Percy Hamleigh (William's father), Waleran Bigod, and the former Kingsbridge Prior James conspired to kill the only survivor of the White Ship — namely, Jack Shareburg — to cover up the fact that the sinking of the White Ship was an assassination by powerful barons who wanted to throw the succession into confusion so they could get a monarch they could better control. Bigod is ruined by this scandal, and lives out the rest of his days as a humble monk.Meanwhile, William Hamleigh has led a miserable, wasteful life, weaving in and out of the political web. His ultimate downfall occurs when he joins a group who plot to assassinate the Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Becket. Prior Philip happens to be with Becket when the assassination occurs, witnessing everything, and uses the rage and injustice felt by the people to lead a protest against Hamleigh and the King, claiming Becket as a saint and a martyr. Hamleigh is arrested by Aliena's son, charged with sacrilege (for laying hands on a priest celebrating Mass); convicted and hanged. The Pope lays an Interdict on Henry's Norman possessions until King Henry repents and is symbolically whipped by leading clergymen, including Philip (now Bishop of Kingsbridge). At the end, the author concludes that with the submission of the King to thishumiliation, royal authority is no longer absolute.
Scheda tecnica - Data Sheet
Nome completo : I pilastri della terra 1x07 1x08 [720p].mkv
Formato : Matroska
Dimensione : 2,96 GiB
Durata : 1h 45min
BitRate totale : 4 022 Kbps
Data di codifica : UTC 2010-11-04 21:21:17
Creato con : mkvmerge v3.2.0 ('Beginnings') built on Feb 12 2010 16:46:17
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Profilo del formato : [email protected]
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Lingua : Inglese
Audio #1
ID : 2
Formato : MPEG Audio
Versione del formato : Version 1
Profilo del formato : Layer 3
Format_Settings_Mode : Joint stereo
Codec ID : A_MPEG/L3
Codec ID/Consiglio : MP3
Durata : 1h 45min
Modalità : Costante
BitRate : 320 Kbps
Canali : 2 canali
SamplingRate : 48,0 KHz
Ritardo video : 4s 254ms
Dimensione della traccia : 242 Mb (8%)
Compressore : LAME3.98
Lingua : Italiano
Audio #2
ID : 3
Formato : AC-3
Formato/Informazioni : Audio Coding 3
Format_Settings_ModeExtension : CM (complete main)
Codec ID : A_AC3
Durata : 1h 45min
Modalità : Costante
BitRate : 384 Kbps
Canali : 6 canali
Posizione dei canali : Front: L C R, Side: L R, LFE
SamplingRate : 48,0 KHz
BitDepth/String : 16 bits
Dimensione della traccia : 290 Mb (10%)
ID : 4
Formato : UTF-8
Codec ID : S_TEXT/UTF8
Codec ID/Informazioni : UTF-8 Plain Text

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