How to Make $5K/Month Repairing Cellphones with Sung Jae Lee
URL..: https://www.udemy.com/

Course Description:
Learn the skills that you will need to diagnose and repair broken
cell phones and ultimately learn how to make money from repairing phones.
Gain technical knowledge in repairing cell phones as well
as business knowledge in making money.
Learn to correctly disassemble cell phones
Diagnosing a problem
Screen repair
Circuits theory
Business concepts in making money
Make money immediately!
The cell phone repair business is a $1.8 billion dollar industry in the U.S.
alone, which is growing fast with a lot of demand globally. Since there is
very little start up cost and you can jump right in this business, today.
You will learn step-by-step, from technical know-how to the business
knowledge of how to make money from this course.
Unlike other courses, you do not have to apply for a job after you take
a course. You can work from home, with a partner, with stores, and even
from a van if you'd like, and make potentially $8000 to $10,000 a month,
depending on the number of customers. The number of people owning cell
phones will keep increasing, not decrease. There will always be damage
to phones, which is why this business has been around since the first
iPhone in 2007.
Content and Overview
One of the great aspects of this business is that this course is for
anyone, from college or high school students, to people with full time
jobs who want to make some extra money on the side, to someone who
doesn't have a job and needs a full-time or part-time career.
By actively finding customers through the venues explained in this course,
you can have a full-time career in the cell phone repair business.
Starting with the disassembly of the cell phones, this course will take
you through various popular cell phones in the market these days.
By repeating the videos and through practice, you will gain the
technical expertise in disassembling and reassembling cell phones.
With these basics mastered, the course will teach you how to diagnose
a phone through the process of elimination, to efficiently and effectively
repair the cell phone in the least amount of time and effort.
Screen repairs make up the majority of the repairs, so we have especially
focused on those repairs along with micro-soldering.
Complete with theoretical concept of how cell phones work and how circuits
work plus the business know-how in making money, you will receive
a verifiable certificate of completion upon finishing the course.
A broken cell phone to practice with, preferably an iPhone or
Samsung Galaxy phone due to demand of repairs on those phones.
You can purchase offline or online from Ebay or Craigslist,
or from a family or friend.
Basic repair tools, such as wire cutters, small Phillips screw drivers,
flat head screw drivers, heat gun, adhesive, Isopropyl alcohol,
soldering station
Diagnose Issues with defective cell phones
Identify the Solution for issues found during diagnosis
Disassemble and Reassemble most cell phones
Replace micro components
Fix broken screens on cell phones
Understand some of the circuits theory related to cell phones
Understand the business aspect of the cell phone repair industry
Anyone seeking another source of income
Anyone seeking a full-time career
People who already operate cell phone stores
People who are interested in learning the business of cell phone repair
People who would like to learn how to repair phones
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