How Sex Changed the World S01E04 Sexpocalypse HDTV XviD-AFG
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Food, water and shelter are all necessary to man’s survival. But there’s another powerful need that has transformed history, silently steering us at every turn… sex. HOW SEX CHANGED THE WORLD spans thousands of years and sheds light on how sex has changed history: from Ghengis Khan using it to expand the Mongol Empire to the survival of harems for thousands of years and even how Hoover used it to blackmail top level politicians. Also revealed are the surprising histories behind Cornflakes, WWII pinup girls, car design and so much more. Join us, as we uncover the stories you won’t find in textbooks.
Sex is powerful force of nature and for some; it's like the end of world. These are the unbelievably true stories behind what happens when people treat sex like doomsday: from the little known sex cover-up in Pompeii, to J. Edgar Hoover's legendary Obscene Files used to keep politicians in check, to how a favorite breakfast cereal is supposed to help impose more self-control on lonely nights.