Hidden Secrets - Part 159 - UFOs Angels Nephilim Spirits Witches and Demons - Vol 03
Downloader's Notes:
With over 20+ mp3 sessions, some may sound familar but you should find new material as well. As a former Police Officer turned Preacher, Russ Dizdar has many encounters with various underworld figures. He discusses the Illuminati, NWO, the Occult, Psychics, Super Soldiers/Assassins, Free Masonry, among others and unveils how they are collectively working towards fulfilling their own Satanic End Times Prophecy. I will say this, Russ Dizdar definetly puts a new spin on things from what you normally hear about in the NWO and its relationship with Satanic practices in society and local communities. Although he uncovers much, he is just scratching the surface. Using their Demonic Phsychic abilities these followers invade the thoughts of unsuspecting children of God, young and old, via invoking evil thoughts, feelings and even possesions.
The depth of discussions also include;
New Age teachings, Mind Control, The Black Awakening, Alistair Crowley, Svali Ex-Illuminati, David Icke, Ascended Masters, Nephilim, Arizona Wilder, Occult Methods and Transhumanism amongst other things. As always Russ gives a deep insight with 30 yrs experience behind him he has a deep understanding of the Darkside system and purpose...
In Russ Dizdar's new book The Black Awakening, he reveals the plot and agenda of satanic ritual abuse and the mind control projects. It exposes the plot of a coming planned chaos and massive anarchy. This book reveals the 'spirit' behind globalsim and the coming new world order. There are over 4 million cases of multiple personality disorder. Sleeper shooters and .....chosen ones inside. They claim they are the troops of anti christ. This ebook includes FREE 70 HOURS OF MP3S There is a code to get these free at www.theblackawakening.com
Also, you may find his Homepage Website at:
Russ Dizdar Mind Control - Satans Push in Church NWO and Antichrist:
Russ Dizdar Mind Control Conference:
Popular speaker Russ Dizdar gives you the insights of mind control. This footage was taken well over a year ago at the Mind Control Conference hosted by Pastor Butch Paugh in West Va. I like the fact that Google Video does not set the same time restrictions as Youtube. I deleted the 1st one and converted the file this time, lost some of the clarity but at least the sound is in sync. Russ Dizdar was one of the guest speakers at the conference. He spoke on the various Military Mind Control Projects such as MK-ULTRA and Project Bluebird. There are declassified documents out there for public consumption since FOIA. The thing is, the OSS to CIA black underground experiments did not end, they just went underground even deeper while others got a fresh new look.