Hidden Secrets - Part 116 - The Archon Invasion - The Rise Fall and Return of the Nephilim

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  • Aliens and Pyramids.mp4 (234.7 MB)
  • All Illuminati Members list.mp4 (10.7 MB)
  • Archon Invasion - The Rise Fall and Return of the Nephilim - Part 1.mp4 (243.0 MB)
  • Archon Invasion - The Rise Fall and Return of the Nephilim - Part 2.mp4 (288.5 MB)
  • Archon Invasion - The Rise Fall and Return of the Nephilim - Part 3.mp4 (187.7 MB)
  • Book of Enoch The Book for the Final Generation.mp4 (322.6 MB)
  • David Jeremiah - The Prophetic Clock Is Ticking!.mp4 (10.0 MB)
  • Deception of The Fallen Angels - Demons - Posing As Aliens & UFOs.mp4 (195.3 MB)
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  • The Rise, Fall, and Return of the Nephilim - Rob Skiba.mp4 (186.4 MB)
  • The World of Angels and Demons - YouTube [360p].mp4 (90.6 MB)
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Hidden Secrets - Part 116 - The Archon Invasion - The Rise Fall and Return of the Nephilim

Who are the Archons? Where did the Nephilim come from? How did they return both before and after the Flood of Noah? Was there another incursion of fallen angels? Why should we be concerned about the act of mixing animal and human DNA? Why did Jesus say the Last Days would be like the days of Noah in Matthew 24:37? What differentiates the days of Noah from the days of Jared? Find out in this information packed, 2 hour seminar by Rob Skiba. –Rob Skiba

‘Fallen angels’ were generally known as ‘Nephilim’, ‘Watchers’ or ‘Archons’, while righteous angels were known as ‘Aeons’ or ‘Elohim’. The fallen angels or ‘Nephilim’ were banished to Earth and interbred with the Daughters of Eve as explained in the Book of Genesis (6:1-4):

“The Nephilim were on the Earth in those days, and also afterwards, when the sons of God mated with the daughters of men and they bore children for them: these were the heroes of old, the men of renown.”

While the Book of Genesis contains references to the fallen angels as ‘Nephilim’, the Dead Sea Scrolls contain the original sources for this information.

The Book of Enoch gives a highly detailed account of the activities of 200 fallen angels or ‘Nephilim’/’Watchers’ who were locked into a deep conflict with the ‘righteous angels’ or ‘Aeons’. The Nephilim proceeded to interbreed with humanity and created a race of giants that had much authority until the time of the Noah and the great flood. The Book of Enoch gives surprising validation to the theory of extraterrestrial visitation, and that this involved genetic intermixing with ancient humanity. –Rulers of the Earth

I personally believe the fallen angels mated with human women and created the Nephilim, which were the giants—the children of the fallen angels and human women. I do not believe that they Nephilim are the same as the fallen angels, nor do I believe they have been banished. In fact, I believe the Nephilim are among us today (disembodied spirits of..), and, can possibly be living among us in a human-like form (aliens, people who are ‘seemingly’ normal, yet who possess their spirit within their body, genetic creations, Illuminati, etc.).

There are many reasons we need to know about the nephilim and the invasion that is soon coming upon this earth. Many people will be deceived. As a result, they will be sucked into the “Beast system” and forever be lost to hell.

The above information is a perfect example of things that are happening around the globe that are meant to deceive, or lead people astray! These demons will come, more than likely, as friendly aliens…even gods…with an intention of bringing peace and order!

They are showing themselves more than ever because we are in the days spoken of in Revelation, and their great deception draws near!

Below is another example of how the world is being deceived! Alien skull? This is a nephilim skull! They do not want you to know that. Instead, they want you to believe in ‘space’ aliens because the nephilim are demonic entities—disembodied spirits from hell!

Hidden Secrets - Part 116 - The Archon Invasion - The Rise Fall and Return of

the Nephilim (Size: 5.23 GB)
14 Degrees - A Paranormal Documentary - FULL LENGTH.mp4 441.46 MB
8 BIGGEST Mysteries of the Pyramids You've Never Heard of.mp4 61.63 MB
Aliens Exist On The Moon - New UFO Sightings - UFO DOCUMENTARY.mp4 223.56 MB
Aliens and Pyramids.mp4 234.72 MB
All Illuminati Members list.mp4 10.68 MB
Archon Invasion - The Rise Fall and Return of the Nephilim - Part 1.mp4 242.95 MB
Archon Invasion - The Rise Fall and Return of the Nephilim - Part 2.mp4 288.46 MB
Archon Invasion - The Rise Fall and Return of the Nephilim - Part 3.mp4 187.75 MB
Book of Enoch The Book for the Final Generation.mp4 322.59 MB
David Jeremiah - The Prophetic Clock Is Ticking!.mp4 10.02 MB
Deception of The Fallen Angels - Demons - Posing As Aliens & UFOs.mp4 195.34 MB
Gnosis - Secrets of the Kabbalah.mp4 220.07 MB
Hidden Egyptian Pyramid Drawings of the Nephilim Hybrid Builders!! - LAND of the GIANTS.mp4 18.36 MB
How Aliens Built Pyramids.mp4 110.75 MB
Illuminati Demon Witch Craft & Aliens Exposed - 2015.mp4 33.12 MB
Jewish Teen Natan Reveals Who Will Kill Obama.mp4 39.01 MB
LA Marzulli_ Black Eyed Children,Hybrid Breeding Today.mp4 72.84 MB
Lost Ancient High Technology Of Egypt Before The Pharaohs Part 1.mp4 206.06 MB
Lost Ancient High Technology Of Egypt Before The Pharaohs Part 2.mp4 332.37 MB
Nephilim TRUE STORY of Satan, Fallen Angels, Giants, Aliens, Hybrids, Elongated Skulls.mp4 279.66 MB
Nephilim Here Again In Last Days As Bible Prophecy Says.mp4 99.33 MB
Spirit Science Satanic Thought EXPOSED - Metaphysical - Satanic - Occult Repackaged Witchcraft.mp4 24.22 MB
The 'REPTILIANS' - A Predator Species Among Us - Not for the Squeamish!.webm 478.59 MB
The Nephilim and time before Adam - The Fall of Lucifer.mp4 28.71 MB
The Origin of the Nephilim - Archon Invasion (Part 1) Rob Skiba.mp4 226.01 MB
The Real Story Behind Aliens Ufos Demons Illuminati & Satanism 2016 - 2017 119 False Flag.mp4 241.88 MB
The Rise, Fall, and Return of the Nephilim - Rob Skiba.mp4 186.41 MB
The World of Angels and Demons - YouTube [360p].mp4 90.56 MB
Top Secrets of Egyptian Pyramids - Full Documentary.mp4 121.62 MB
UFO's Aliens Cyborgs Trans humanism deception Demons 2016.mp4

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Hidden Secrets - Part 116 - The Archon Invasion - The Rise Fall and Return of the Nephilim
