[HDTV - XviD - Eng Ac3 - Sub Ita] Richard Hammond's Invisible Worlds S1e01 [Tntvillage.Scambioetico]
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Richard Hammond's Invisible Worlds

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Top Gear's Richard Hammond is standing on the roof of a very tall building, right by the edge. Oh Lord, no, please don't. Is it working with Clarkson that's driven him to it? Or the accident that's still haunting him? Everything's going to be all right, Richard. Quick, someone call the Samaritans: 08457 90 90 90 . . .
But he's not going to jump, he's just wanting to look cool and a bit dangerous, an on-the-edge kind of a guy. A lot of Richard Hammond's Invisible Worlds (BBC1) seems to be about making Richard look good – sometimes cool and a bit dangerous, other times angelic and blow-dried. In fact, he always looks recently shampooed, salon-fresh, with beautifully shiny hair blowing in the breeze (was it always so windy during filming, or did they have a machine?). Richard Hammond's Unfrizzable CURLs.
Right, he's not going to kill himself, thankfully, and he looks lovely – probably smells of summer meadows, too. So what's it all about, then?
Well, first of all, it's about lightning, which can go up as well as down – who knew that? Tall buildings make this happen, and if you're thinking that's not a problem, because if it's going up then it's heading away from you, then you'd be wrong, because upwards lightning triggers downwards lightning. Nightmare.
Now Richard's got a hard hat on and he's going to blow something up (you can take the man out of Top Gear etc). Boom, a cliff comes tumbling down – 20,000 tonnes of rock have been blown from the quarry wall. Richard's clearly enjoying it. "Just to actually feel the earth move because of something that you've just triggered, that's quite a sensation," he says, grinning. It would be interesting to hear what Mrs Hammond has to say on the subject.
Anyway, it's not the explosion itself that causes the earth to move, but the shockwave it creates. And there are more big explosions in New Mexico to prove it. Plus a different kind of shockwave that forms on the wingtips of fighter planes flying at speed. This really is Top Gear science. Neeeooow.
That's all very interesting, but what's it got to do with the upwards lightning? Or the way a hummingbird hawk moth can hover as it hoovers up nectar? Or the humble bumble bee, which shouldn't be able to fly at all, but can because it twists its wings to produce lift even on the upstroke? Where do the funny-shaped raindrops fit in? And the fact that a dolphin can swim faster than a lady in a red swimsuit? What about the speedy spore that lives in horse poo? Or the shrimp that can knock out a crab just with a squirt of water? And a sprite, which is a massive electrical discharge that lives, momentarily, high above storm clouds, and which, in order to go and see it, Richard (of course) has to put some special gear on and go up in an even-more-special plane?
Well, none of these things have an awful lot to do with each other, really, except that they're all things that can't be seen properly with a naked eye. In order to witness what's really happening you need high-speed cameras and image intensifiers, and then you need to watch the recordings in super-slow motion. And that's it, the connection: it's all fast. That and the fact that it all looks great. Which it does: I especially enjoyed the big explosion in New Mexico, a bubble-shaped shockwave that looked like a giant jellyfish, full of fire, emerging from the desert. It was interesting to see what happens to a swimmer's skin (no wonder those special high-tech swimsuits they had at the Olympics make such a difference). And I liked learning about the "zone of repugnance", the area around a poo into which an animal won't venture, and beyond which a spore needs to fire itself to stand a chance of being swallowed up by another grass-eater and thus starting a new life elsewhere. I think the term could be put to good use elsewhere, too.
But – and it's a fairly massive but – pretty stuff that you can only see properly if you slow it right down is not enough. A serious documentary needs more focus. This is not sufficiently concerned with content, and is too much about style. And hair. The hair is lovely, though . . .

Nome File: Richard Hammond's Invisible Worlds - 1x01 - Speed Limits.avi
Dimensione: 576,409,600 Bytes
Durata: 58:50.440
Video Codec: XviD ISO MPEG-4
Video Bitrate: 1104 kb/s
Risoluzione: 624x352
FPS (Frames/sec): 25.000
QF (Frame quality): 0.201 b/px
Audio Codec: 0x2000 (Dolby AC3) AC3
Audio Bitrate: 192 kb/s
Freq Audio: 48000 Hz

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