Ghoulies I
Movie Information
Release year........: 1985
Genre...............: Comedy/Fantasy/Horror
IMDb rating.........: 6.4/10
IMDB Link...........:
Language............: English
Runtime.............: 1h 17mn
Source..............: DVD-R copy Original source unknown
Total Files Size....: 745 MB
Plot summary
The title monsters are a pack of obnoxious demons summoned up by college student Jonathan Graves,
after he discovers his late father's occult paraphernalia. Jonathan later invites a group of annoying
friends to participate in an all-night party,during which he intends to perform an elaborate satanic
ritual.This doesn't sit well with Dad, who bursts violently from his grave to have a chat with his
wayward son while legions of ghoulies descend upon the revelers.
Charles Band........: Producer
Jefery Levy.........: Producer/Screenwriter
John Carl Buechler..: Special Effects
Luca Bercovici......: Director/Screenwriter
Mac Ahlberg.........: Cinematographer
Richard H. Band.....: Composer (Music Score)
Peter Liapis........: Jonathan Graves
Lisa Pelikan........: Rebecca
Michael Des Barres..: Malcolm Graves
Jack Nance..........: Wolfgang
Peter Risch.........: Grizzel
Tamara de Treaux....: Greedigut
Annie Stocking......: Ghoulie
Ghoulies II
Movie Information
Release year.....: 1988
Genre............: Comedy/Fantasy/Horror
IMDb rating......: 3.3/10
IMDB Link........:
Language.........: English
Runtime..........: 1h 23mn
Source...........: DVD-R copy Original source unknown
Total Files Size.: 745 MB
Plot summary
The title creatures are shanghaied by a priest who intends to exterminate them, but they manage
to escape to a low-rent carnival. There they take up residence in "Satan's Den," an old-fashioned
haunted house attraction. The presence of the ghoulies at first gives business a much-needed boost,
until the slimy little monsters start dining on the patrons.
Albert Band.........: Director/Producer
Barry Zetlin........: Editor
Ed Naha.............: Screenwriter
Fuzzbee Morse.......: Composer(Music Score)
Giovanni Natalucci..: Production Designer
John Carl Buechler..: Special Effects
Sergio Salvati......: Cinematographer
Damon Martin........: Larry
Royal Dano..........: Uncle Ned
Phil Fondacaro......: Sir Nigel
J. Downing..........: P. Hardin
Kerry Remsen........: Nicole
Dale Wyatt..........: Dixie
Jon Maynard Pennell.: Bobby
Hal Rayle...........: Ghoulies
Ghoulies III
Ghoulies Go to College
Movie Information
Release year.....: 1991
Genre............: Comedy/Fantasy/Horror
IMDb rating......: 2.7/10
IMDB Link........:
Language.........: English
Runtime..........: 1h 30mn
Source...........: DVD R2
Total Files Size.: 778 MB
Plot summary
The title critters are mini-demons summoned forth from a demonic chamber pot (seriously!) by the
occult-obsessed Dean of Glazier University. However, the ancient vessel is currently being used by
the Beta Theta Zeta fraternity for a more (ahem) practical purpose. The ghoulies eventually cut loose
on campus, and the surrounding frat-boy bacchanalia seems to have made them even more obnoxious than
usual. The creatures' Satanic antics are first thought to be creative Hell Week pranks, but they are
eventually discovered and defeated by the nominal hero and heroine.
Adam Bernardi.........: Editor
Iain Paterson.........: Producer
John Carl Buechler....: Director
Maggie Martin.........: Set Designer
Michael Lloyd.........: Composer(Music Score)
Ronn Schmidt..........: Cinematographer
Stephen Greenberg.....: Production Designer
Thom Adcox-Hernandez...: Pixel
Andrew Barach..........: Harley
Kathy Benson...........: Girl
Hope Marie Carlton.....: Veronica
John Johnston..........: Jeremy Heilman
Eva La Rue.............: Erin Riddle (as Eva LaRue Callahan)
Patrick Labyorteaux....: Mookey
Ghoulies IV
Movie Information
Release year.....: 1994
Genre............: Comedy/Fantasy/Horror
IMDb rating......: 2.1/10
IMDB Link........:
Language.........: English
Runtime..........: 1h 23 mn
Source...........: DVD R2
Total Files Size.: 1 000 MB
Plot summary
Jonathan Graves (Peter Liapis) from the original film,now a streetwise cop, is forced to do battle with
his former girlfriend Alexandra (Stacie Randall), who has escaped from an asylum and is busily conducting
human sacrifices in order to summon a demon once created by Jonathan's Satanic dabblings. The title creeps
are shoved even further to the background than the previous chapters,not a bad thing, really, since the
effects department still hasn't managed to make them look like anything but inarticulate latex puppets covered
in goo.
Jim Wynorski..........: Director
Mark Sevi.............: Writer
Gary Schmoeller.......: Producer
Chuck Cirino..........: Original Music
J.E. Bash.............: Cinematography
Richard Gentner.......: Film Editing
Jeannie M. Lomma......: Production Design
Ron Trost.............: Special effects
Peter Liapis..............: Jonathan Graves (as Pete Liapis)
Barbara Alyn Woods........: Kate
Stacie Randall............: Alexandra
Raquel Krelle.............: Jeanine
Bobby Di Cicco............: Scotty
Tony Cox..................: Ghoulie Dark
Arturo Gil................: Ghoulie Lite
Andrew Craig..............: Mugger (as Craig Andrew)
John Cann.................: Indian Clerk
Michael Chieffo...........: City Power Worker
Post Information
Posted by..........: XxXx BIG A LITTLE A xXxX
Date of post.......: 08.06.2011