Fringe S02E02 Night of desirable objects (subITA) by BabyBoy(cirip2006).avi

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  • View all Fringe episodes
  • Episode title: Night of Desirable Objects
  • Episode: S2E2
  • Air date: September 24,2009, 06:00AM
  • Rating: 80
  • Downloads: 354
  • Language: Italian

A series of strange disappearances in Pennsylvania attracts the attention of the Fringe team and leads them underground. Walter also tries to recreate Olivia's accident using frogs and Charlie tries to find out how much she remembers.


  • Fringe S02E02 Night of desirable objects (subITA) by BabyBoy(cirip2006).avi (299.9 MB)


Fringe S02E02 Night of Desirable Objects (subITA)

Precedente : NCIS_LA-1x10-Brimstone (subITA)
Prossimo : Fringe S02E03 Fracture (subITA)

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Fringe S02E02 Night of desirable objects (subITA) by BabyBoy(cirip2006).avi
