[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] COSMOS AND UNIVERSES: The Final Theory of the Cosmos and the Universes
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English | 2020 | ASIN: B0883BV53G | 229 Pages | PDF, AZW | 8.26 MB
For millennia, humanity has looked at the sky and wondered how it came into being and what it consists of. But it was only with the invention of the telescope that a more realistic picture of what we saw in the starry sky began to form.
The giant stellar telescopes and other observation equipment have now brought us so far that a final theory can be set up for Cosmos, which can explain down to the smallest detail how it is all connected. The book starts with giving an insight into what Cosmos consists of and what physical laws apply to the fields and particles that are in the flat infinite Euclidean space. Using classical physics and quantum field theory, the book derives all the laws required to provide a logically coherent description of Cosmos and the universes. Because of the gravitational force, mass and energy will accumulate in closed universes, which, if there are enough, will form structures identical to the giant structures of filaments, great walls and super clusters that we see in the galaxies. The book then describes the energy circuit in the galaxies, which means that the galaxies are almost self-sufficient in energy. In each of the galaxies, mass and energy undergo a life cycle in which gas nebulae evolve into stars, which in turn form giants, white dwarfs, supernovae, neutron stars and black holes. Most of the black holes remain in the outer orbits around the center of the galaxy where they form the dark matter, while the lighter elements accumulate in the center of the galaxy where, together with the existing substance, they form a very active bulge. These galactic nuclei all contain a giant black hole with a neutron star at the center, which is the main source of the formation of the lighter elements that once again end up as gas nebulae. Once you have read the book you will know how it all works - and that it can be no different.
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