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By: Carly Fiorina (Author), Dr. Henry Cloud (Foreword)
Format: EPUB
Length: 256 pages
Published: 2019 by Tyndale Momentum
ISBN: 1496435699
No matter where you are in life, you are not yet all you will be . . .
At some point, virtually everyone finds themselves struggling to find their way in life.
Perhaps you're just starting out and haven't yet found your personal or professional path. Maybe you've been plugging away for years, trying to live someone else's dream. Maybe you're outwardly successful but plagued by a nagging, soul-level sense of dissatisfaction.
Carly Fiorina, who started as a secretary and later became the first female CEO of a Fortune 500 company, can help. Drawing on her own remarkable journey, and empirical evidence accumulated over four decades in the workplace, Carly will show you how to
* choose a path over a plan
* use problems to propel yourself and your organization forward
* overcome fear and procrastination
* make smart decisions
* reclaim your power and use it for good
Carly Fiorina believes that your potential can be unleashed. In Find Your Way, she shows you the path to getting there.
"In Find your Way, you will discover the helpful, proven wisdom and deep care that I have experienced in working alongside Carly." --Henry Cloud, best-selling author of Boundaries
Contents :
Foreword by Dr. Henry Cloud
Moment of Revelation
Part One: The Purpose of the Path
1 Future You: The Only Limitless Asset Around
2 The Tragedy of the Termite: Choosing the Path Over the Plan
3 What's Wrong is Also What's Right: Problems as Pavement Under Your Feet
Part Two: The Pursuit of the Path
4 Decisions, Decisions: Your First, Most Important Move
5 What Are You Afraid Of?: The Courage to Reclaim Your Power
6 Who You Are When No One's Looking: Multiplying Your Power for Good
7 Becoming a Better Us: Sharing Your Power
8 Think of the Possibilities!: Harnessing Your Power
Part Three: The Promise of the Path
9 No Gimmes Here: Promise No. 1 - Problems Will Get Solved
10 To-the-Brim Living: Promise No. 2 - Potential Will Be Unleashed
About the Author
Carly Fiorina is a former chairman and CEO of Hewlett-Packard, a true leader, and a seasoned problem solver. Her mission is to inspire, equip, and connect individuals and teams to seize opportunities, face challenges, and accelerate impact in their communities and organizations. Since leaving HP, Carly has served as chairman of Good360, the world’s largest product philanthropy organization, and as chairman of Opportunity International, a Christian-based organization that lifts millions out of poverty around the globe through microfinance. In 2008, she founded the One Woman Initiative in partnership with then–secretary of state Condoleezza Rice, to engage and empower women in Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Egypt, India, and the Philippines through increased access to economic opportunity. Currently, through Carly Fiorina Enterprises and the Unlocking Potential Foundation, Carly and her team sharpen problem-solving and leadership skills across America. She is a sought-after speaker and adviser who wants to see people achieve their highest potential.
In addition to Find Your Way, Carly has authored Rising to the Challenge and the New York Times bestseller Tough Choices.