Duke Nukem Forever Update 1-ALI213 by Sonuyos & TOMEK1166
General Information
Type.................: Game
Platform.............: Windows XP/Vista/7
Post Information
Posted by............: Sonuyos & TOMEK116
Release Notes
The game takes place about twelve years after the events of Duke Nukem 3D. Duke
is now a worldwide icon, and has achieved great fame from his heroic deeds.
After sampling a video game based on his past heroics (the game Duke plays is a
revamped version of the final level of Duke Nukem 3D), he arrives on the set of
a talk show for an interview. On his way to the show, Duke witnesses a news
broadcast on a nearby television screen announcing that aliens have once again
invaded. Unlike previous encounters, the aliens initially appear peaceful and at
first seem to pose no harm to the humans of Earth. Duke's talk show appearance
is cancelled to allow television stations to cover the alien invasion, and he
retires to the "Duke Cave".
There, he receives a call from the president and General Graves of the military.
The president orders him not to harm the invaders, and adds that he is in
diplomatic talks with the alien overlord. Duke obliges this request, but remains
uneasy about the whole situation. However, before he can leave his chambers, he
is attacked by hostile aliens. Duke is forced to disobey the president's orders
and fight his way through the alien hordes in an effort to save Earth. Whilst
fighting through his casino, Duke witnesses the aliens abducting women including
his two live-in pop star girlfriends. Graves tells Duke that the women are being
held in the Duke Dome, and that the aliens have a vendetta to settle with Duke.
He also warns Duke that the aliens are using the Hoover Dam to power a wormhole
so more aliens can come through. Nukem travels to the Duke Dome, using a
wrecking ball to damage the building to gain access. Inside, he finds swarms of
Octabrains and the missing women, who have been impregnated with alien spawn;
Duke's girlfriends die after giving "birth" to alien babies. Duke finds the
Alien Queen in control of the Dome and kills her, but is wounded in process and
blacks out.
After regaining consciousness, Duke travels to the Hoover Dam in his monster
truck; after battling through the dam, he finds his old friend Dylan, mortally
wounded. He tells Duke that the Cycloid Emperor is at the dam, and that the only
way to shut down the portal is to completely destroy the dam. Before dying, he
gives Duke his demolition charges and wishes him luck. Duke places the
explosives and destroys the dam, but the currents nearly drown him. Duke is
revived after a soldier performs CPR on him; he awakens to find the portal gone.
The President, who was also at the dam, rages at Duke for ruining his plans to
work with the Cycloid Emperor and that he has ordered a nuclear strike at the
site of the dam to wipe out the remaining aliens, intending to leave Duke there
to die. However, the Cycloid Emperor emerges and kills the President and his
security detail. Duke kills the Cycloid Emperor and is rescued by Graves just as
the nuclear bomb explodes.
The game ends with a satellite surveying the detonation area and listing Duke
Nukem as killed in action, to which Duke replies off-screen "What kind of shit
ending is that? I ain't dead, I'm coming back for more!". A short scene after
the ending credits depicts a press conference, where Duke announces his intent
to run for the 69th President of the United States.
Install Notes
1.Run Patch and Play....
Patch Notes
4-weapon inventory option for single player
MP Server favorites
Dedicated server overhaul
FOV can be modified
Change VOIP to push-to-talk (bandwidth fix)
VAC anti-cheat system enabled
Support for Japanese Steam ID’s for PC release in Japan
Auto-aim fix
Blood effects on surfaces behind enemies when shot
Steam.exe no longer uses an unusually high amount of CPU
Texture quality improvements
Fixes to prevent single player and multiplayer save data corruption
Leaderboard exploit fixed
AMD Dual-Core Optimizer no longer automatically installed (fixes rare bugs with Intel processors)
Crash/compatibility fixes and other minor bugs
Generated with Cool NFO Creator - http://fly.to/coolbeans