... (Info) ...
Release PLAZA: 20 April 2018 (Uplouad By Symetryczny)
Premiere Game: September 14, 2017 - April 20, 2018 (Language Polish + Update V3.0.190.74C)
Genre: RPG, Fantasy, Kickstarter, Co-op Mode, Classic RPG
Producer: Larian Studios
Publisher: Larian Studios
Available Languages: English, French, German, Russian, Polish
As if Someone Attacked Error File Exe (Just Ignore This Error) and Wait a Second Time, Error with Window Closes Automatically
Additional Content:
- Divinity: Original Sin II - Map
- Divinity: Original Sin II - Editior
- Divinity: Original Sin II - Manual
- Divinity: Original Sin II - Artbook
- Divinity: Original Sin II - Lorebook
- Divinity: Original Sin II - Concept Art
- Divinity: Original Sin II - Original Soundtrack
The Game Is Updated To Version - V3.0.190.74C + Bonus Content
... (Description) ...
Divinity: Original Sin II is a classic RPG game with an isometric projection, turn based combat system and a high level of difficulty, which is the fifth main version of the Divinity series, and at the same time a direct continuation of the warmth of the adopted Divinity: Original Sin (published in June 2014. As in the case of its predecessor, the version for the Windows PC platform was developed by the Belgian Larian studio. It is also worth mentioning that the production was partially financed by means of social fundraising at the Kickstarter site (just over USD 2 million was accumulated).
In Divinity: Original Sin II we once again move to the fantastic land of Rivellon, although the action takes place about a thousand years after the events of the first Original Sin (just after Beyond Divinity). In addition, this time we play a character using the power of Source, in contrast to the previous game, in which we were to control two hunters hunting for adepts of this forbidden magic. The conflict between the two groups is still boiling, and the hero controlled by us runs away from the representatives of the Order who descend on his heels, while trying to stave off the crisis, which is the invasion of monsters from Pustki into the world of mortals (caused by the divine death). Such an envelope makes the climate different from "one" - in the Original Sin II the atmosphere became clearly heavier and more serious.
This time we start the game by creating a single central figure that can belong to one of several available races. Another important novelty in the hero's creation process is the definition of its biographical background. Depending on who is the protagonist (or protagonist) created by us, the inhabitants of the presented world react to it completely differently and may even commission different tasks. For this reason, the "role-playing" layer in the title is deeper than in the predecessor, and the problems posed to the player can be solved in more ways.
However, from the purely mechanical side, Original Sin II in the version for the Windows PC platform is a development of what has been developed earlier. The biggest changes concern the combat system - added the possibility of climbing platforms, towers, etc., taking into account the influence of heights on the combat capabilities of the character, and the calculation of action points has been simplified a little (now the execution of most activities costs 1-3 points). In addition, the game has new skills and combinations of elements, whose clever use can turn the fate of the fight. An interesting novelty is also the power of the Source, extremely powerful and dangerous, but needing to supplement special points of the Source, to be able to use them.
As before, the adventure can be experienced in co-operative mode, this time for up to four people. What is interesting, however, cooperation can easily turn into competition, as different biographical backgrounds may impose opposing goals on characters in the same situations.
In addition, Larian Studios has prepared a separate PvP mode, in which four groups of players fight in cleverly designed arenas. Participants use ready-made, top-down heroes and compete in various competitions, which are variations on such classic forms of entertainment as Free-for-All, Capture the Flag or King of the Hill.
Divinity: Original Sin II version for the Windows PC platform is based on the improved Divinity engine: Original Sin (Divinity Engine 3.0), which guarantees much nicer graphics than in the previous game, more advanced physics and support for DirectX 12.
...( Technical Data )...
Intel Core i5 2.93 GHz, 4 GB RAM, karta grafiki 1 GB GeForce GTX 550/Radeon HD 6800 lub lepsza, 25 GB HDD, Windows 7(SP1)/8.1/10 64-bit
...( Instalacja )...
...( Install )...
1.Burn or Mount
3.Copy Crack