Debating Darwins Doubt: A Scientific Controversy that Can No Longer Be Denied - David Klinghoffer (Editor), Stephen Meyer

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Debating Darwin's Doubt- A Scientific Controversy That Can No Longer Be Denied
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Product details
Paperback: 380 pages
Publisher: Discovery Institute; 1 edition (24 Jun. 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1936599287
ISBN-13: 978-1936599288

In 2013 Stephen Meyer’s book Darwin’s Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design became a national bestseller, provoking a wide-ranging debate about the adequacy of Darwinian theory to explain life’s history. In Debating Darwin’s Doubt: A Scientific Controversy that Can No Longer Be Denied, leading scholars in the intelligent design community respond to critiques of Meyer’s book and show that the core challenge posed by Meyer remains unanswered: Where did the influx of information essential to the creation of new body plans come from? In addition to ten chapters by Stephen Meyer, Debating Darwin’s Doubt also includes contributions from biologists Richard Sternberg, Douglas Axe, and Ann Gauger; philosopher of biology Paul Nelson; mathematicians William Dembski and David Berlinski; and Center for Science and Culture research coordinator Casey Luskin. In forty-four chapters, these contributing authors explore topics such as orphan genes, cladistics, small shelly fossils, protein evolution, the length of the Cambrian explosion, the God-of-the-Gaps objection to intelligent design, and criticisms raised by proponents of theistic evolution. Anyone who wants to understand the cutting-edge of current scientific debates over modern Darwinian theory needs to read this book.

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Darwin's Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design - Stephen C. Meyer epub

Product details
Paperback: 384 pages
Publisher: Bravo Ltd; Revised ed. edition (3 Jun. 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0062071483
ISBN-13: 978-0062071484

When Charles Darwin finished The Origin of Species, he thought that he had explained every clue, but one. Though his theory could explain many facts, Darwin knew that there was a significant event in the history of life that his theory did not explain. During this event, the Cambrian explosion, many animals suddenly appeared in the fossil record without apparent ancestors in earlier layers of rock. In Darwin s Doubt, Stephen C. Meyer tells the story of the mystery surrounding this explosion of animal life a mystery that has intensified, not only because the expected ancestors of these animals have not been found, but because scientists have learned more about what it takes to construct an animal. During the last half century, biologists have come to appreciate the central importance of biological information stored in DNA and elsewhere in cells to building animal forms. Expanding on the compelling case he presented in his last book, Signature in the Cell, Meyer argues that the origin of this information, as well as other mysterious features of the Cambrian event, are best explained by intelligent design, rather than purely undirected evolutionary processes.

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Debating Darwins Doubt: A Scientific Controversy that Can No Longer Be Denied - David Klinghoffer (Editor), Stephen Meyer
