Creating a Handmade Look in After Effects 01:
Paper Cutout and Stop Motion Styles with Owen Lowery
URL..: http://www.lynda.com/

Course Description:
Want to mimic the handmade paper cutout and stop-motion style of
Monty Python or early South Park in your motion graphics?
This course shows how to replicate this DIY aesthetic in After Effects,
using design and animation techniques that result in a dirty,
textured, and imperfect style that is well suited for music videos
and show openers, like the one featured in this course for
the band Oh No, Robots!
Mograph artist Owen Lowery shows how to build the text and image elements,
add texture, and then animate the graphics for a stop-motion look.
The lessons demonstrate how versatile Adobe After Effects' tools can
be when you stretch them beyond their traditional uses and employ some
creative problem solving. Members are encouraged to experiment and
adapt the techniques shown to other styles and projects.
Topics include:
Adjusting composition settings
Designing shape layers in a cutout style
Creating a paper-like texture
Building cutout type
Animating elements for a stop motion look
Adding imperfection and randomness with wiggle expressions
After Effects
Owen Lowery
Creating a Handmade Look in After Effects 02:
Design and Animation with Owen Lowery

Course Description:
Learn how to create a hand-drawn look without all the hand drawing.
This course shows how to replicate the DIY aesthetic of low-budget
cel animation in After Effects. Mograph artist Owen Lowery shows how
to use shape layers to create, texture, and animate the "hand-drawn"
elements, and replicate the look of handwritten fonts and street
graffiti. The tutorials demonstrate how versatile the After Effects
tools can be when you stretch them beyond their traditional uses
and employ some creative problem solving.
Want to create another lo-fi mograph effect?
Check out Creating a Handmade Look in After Effects 01:
Paper Cutout and Stop Motion Styles.
Topics include:
Using the Pen tool to create hand-drawn shapes
Animating shape layers to look drawn on
Giving a wiggle to drawn elements
Customizing and animating handwritten fonts
Looping animation with expressions
Using the Paintbrush tool to create animated painted lines
Adding texture to lines
Creating write-on type
After Effects
Owen Lowery
Creating a Handmade Look in After Effects 03:
Compositing and Reusing Elements with Owen Lowery

Course Description:
So you've gone to a lot of hard work to create amazing, handmade
motion graphics. Now learn how to reuse and add new life to what
you've done. This After Effects training course is the third part
in Owen Lowery's series, designed for mograph artists who want a
more handmade, DIY aesthetic—without giving up their digital toolset.
In this installment, you'll learn how to take existing assets,
isolate and save out individual elements, "dirty" them up,
and composite them in a single cohesive look. Owen will even assign
you a challenge away from the computer that will result in a grungy
texture all your own. Start watching and learn how versatile the
Adobe After Effects tools can be when you stretch them beyond their
traditional uses and employ some creative problem solving.
Want to create the lo-fi mograph effects seen in this course?
Check out Creating a Handmade Look in After Effects 02:
Design and Animation.
Topics include:
Saving animation presets
Repurposing assets
Compositing effects
Creating custom vignettes
Creating a grunge texture with a scanned image
Adding imperfections to frames
Exporting your animation
After Effects
Owen Lowery
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