28 Days Later 019 (2011) (c2c) (Legion-CPS)
Avengers Academy 008 (2011) (c2c) (Legion-CPS)
Avengers Academy 008 (2011) (noads) (Legion-CPS)
Batman 706 (2011) (c2c) (Legion-CPS)
Batman 706 (2011) (noads) (Legion-CPS)
Brightest Day 018 (2011) (c2c) (2 covers) (AngelicLegion-CPS)
Brightest Day 018 (2011) (noads) (2 covers) (AngelicLegion-CPS)
Deadpool MAX 04 (2011) (c2c) (FrankBlack-CPS)
Deadpool MAX 04 (2011) (noads) (FrankBlack-CPS)
DMZ 061 (2011) (c2c) (Badass-CPS)
DMZ 061 (2011) (noads) (Badass-CPS)
Donald Duck and Friends 362 (2011) (c2c) (HFB-CPS)
Fantastic Four 587 (2011) (c2c) (AngelicLegion-CPS)
Fantastic Four 587 (2011) (noads) (AngelicLegion-CPS)
G.I. Joe Cobra 012 (2011) (c2c) (Legion-CPS)
G.I. Joe Cobra 012 (2011) (noads) (Legion-CPS)
Green Lantern Corps 056 (2010) (c2c) (2 covers) (Archangel & FP-CPS)
Green Lantern Corps 056 (2010) (noads) (2 covers) (Archangel & FP-CPS)
Hellblazer 275 (2011) (c2c) (Badass-CPS)
Hellblazer 275 (2011) (noads) (Badass-CPS)
Ides of Blood 006 (2011) (c2c) (Legion-CPS)
Ides of Blood 006 (2011) (noads) (Legion-CPS)
Justice League of America 052 (2011) (c2c) (2 covers) (Badass-CPS)
Justice League of America 052 (2011) (noads) (2 covers) (Badass-CPS)
Mass Effect - Evolution 001 (2011) (c2c) (2 covers) (Oroboros-CPS)
Mass Effect - Evolution 001 (2011) (noads) (2 covers) (Oroboros-CPS)
Northlanders 036 (2011) (c2c) (Badass-CPS)
Northlanders 036 (2011) (noads) (Badass-CPS)
Ratchet and Clank 005 (2011) (c2c) (AngelicLegion-CPS)
Ratchet and Clank 005 (2011) (noads) (AngelicLegion-CPS)
Silent Hill - Past Life 003 (2011) (c2c) (Legion-CPS)
Silent Hill - Past Life 003 (2011) (noads) (Legion-CPS)
Superior 004 (2011) (c2c) (Legion-CPS)
Thor 619 (2011) (c2c) (Archangel & FP-CPS)
Thor 619 (2011) (noads) (Archangel & FP-CPS)
Uncle Scrooge 399 (2011) (c2c) (HFB-CPS)

Brightest Day 18(c2c)(2 covers)(DC)(2011)(YZ1)
Comic Shop News 1231 (c2c)(Comic Shop News)(2011)(YZ1)
Doctor Who 1 (c2c)(2 covers)(IDW Publishing)(2011)(YZ1)
Green Lantern Corps 056 (c2c)(2 covers)(DC)(2011)(YZ1)
Grimm Fairy Tales Myths And Legends 1(c2c)(3 covers)(Zenescope)(2011)(YZ1)
January 2011 Sneak Peeks 1(c2c)(Marvel)(2011)(YZ1)
Power Girl 020(c2c)(DC)(2011)(YZ1)
Welcome To The Little Shop Of Horrors 1(Roger Corman's Cosmic Comics)(1995)(YZ1)
Welcome To The Little Shop Of Horrors 2(Roger Corman's Cosmic Comics)(1995)(YZ1)
Welcome To The Little Shop Of Horrors 3(Roger Corman's Cosmic Comics)(1995)(YZ1)
Witchblade 141 (c2c)(Top Cow)(2011)(YZ1)

Avengers Thor & Captain America - Official Index to the Marvel Universe 004 (2010)(c2c)(PeteThePIPster)
Menomonee Falls Gazette 105 (1973-12-11)(c2c)(PeteThePIPster)
Overkill v1 017 (1992)(MarvelUK)(c2c)(PeteThePIPster)

Heroes For Hire 001 (2011) (2nd Printing Brad Walker Falcon Variant) (Cover ONLY) (ScanDog)
Heroes For Hire 001 (2011) (2nd Printing Brad Walker Team Variant) (Cover ONLY) (ScanDog)
Invaders Now! 03 (2011) (Alex Ross DF Variant) (Cover ONLY) (ScanDog)
Misc. Scanners
DarkWing Duck 08 (2011) (drkn)
Death of Spiderman Flyer & Checklist (2011) (Kingpin)
I Am An Avenger 05 (2011)
Simpsons Comics 174 c2c (2011) (Jojo)
The Secret History Book 14 - The Watchers (Vague Prophet - Vaopr Trail)
Time Lincoln Apocalypse Mao (One Shot) (2011)
Wolverine And Jubilee 01 (of 04) (2011)
All credit goes to the scanners, editors and original sources.
Don't see what you're looking for? If it's new, chances are it's not scanned yet, or hasn't been included in this week's list. Once it's available to me, it will be included in the pack.
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