Courage the Cowardly Dog is an American animated horror comedy television series created by John R. Dilworth for Cartoon Network, and the seventh series to fall under the Cartoon Cartoons label. It follows an anthropomorphic dog named Courage who lives with his owners, Muriel and Eustace Bagge, an elderly, married farming couple in the "Middle of Nowhere" (the fictional town of Nowhere, Kansas). Courage and his owners are frequently thrown into bizarre misadventures, often involving the paranormal/supernatural and various villains. The show is known for its surreal, often disturbing humor and bizarre plot twists, and combines elements of horror comedy, science fantasy, and drama.
Contains all 52 episodes from all 4 seasons.
Report for file - Reporte del archivo: Courage The Cowardly Dog S02E01 The Magic Tree of Nowhere - Robot Randy -Reaperza-RiCK.mkv
General / Container Stream #1
Total Video Streams for this File.................1
Total Audio Streams for this File.................2
Video Codecs Used.................................AVC
Audio Codecs Used.................................AAC LC / AAC LC
File Format.......................................Matroska
Play Time.........................................22mn 34s
Total File Size...................................286 MiB
Total Stream BitRate..............................1 769 Kbps
Encoded with......................................mkvmerge v6.2.0 ('Promised Land') built on Apr 28 2013 18:50:30
Encoding Library..................................libebml v1.3.0 + libmatroska v1.4.0
Video Stream #1
Codec (Human Name)................................AVC
Codec (FourCC)....................................V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC
Codec [email protected]
Frame Width.......................................640 pixels
Frame Height......................................480 pixels
Frame Rate........................................24.000 fps
Total Frames......................................32506
Display Aspect Ratio..............................4:3
Scan Type.........................................Progressive
Color Space.......................................YUV
Codec Settings (Summary)..........................1 Ref Frames
Codec Settings (CABAC)............................No
Codec Settings (Reference Frames).................1
Video Stream Length...............................22mn 34s 417ms
Video Stream BitRate Mode.........................VBR
Bit Depth.........................................8 bits
Color Primaries...................................BT.601-6 525, BT.1358 525, BT.1700 NTSC, SMPTE 170M
Transfer Characteristics..........................BT.709-5, BT.1361
Matrix Coefficients...............................BT.601-6 525, BT.1358 525, BT.1700 NTSC, SMPTE 170M
Audio Stream #1
Codec (FourCC)....................................A_AAC
Audio Stream Length...............................22mn 34s 420ms
Number of Audio Channels..........................2
Audio Channel's Positions.........................Front: L R
Sampling Rate.....................................44.1 KHz
Audio Stream Language.............................English
Audio Stream #2
Codec (FourCC)....................................A_AAC
Audio Stream Length...............................22mn 34s 420ms
Number of Audio Channels..........................2
Audio Channel's Positions.........................Front: L R
Sampling Rate.....................................44.1 KHz
Audio Stream Language.............................Spanish
Screenshots - Capturas: