Hi, Welcome to the Complete Web Design Development Bootstrap, This course cover more that 14+ topics on different tools and applications used in building, designing and developing advanced websites.
Topics Covered in this course:
Adobe Photoshop
ECMA Script 6+
Bootstrap 5
Adobe Dreamweaver CC
Angular 10+
React JS
Python v3
Django v3
WordPress v5
In the 1st section you will learn how to use Adobe Photoshop to create your own images and design mock-ups. So that you can use these images within your site when you need them.
In the 2nd section, You will learn about HTML5 and CSS3. Here you will learn to build a complete website from scratch. At the end of this section you will able to create your own website.
In the 3rd section you will learn about JavaScript, with the help of JavaScript you will learn how to add interactivity to your site. You will learn the essentials of JavaScript language and work on many projects like creating JavaScript live form validation and more.
In the 3rd section you will learn to extend your JavaScript skills with the new ES – ECMA Script standards for JavaScript.
In the 4th section you will learn about Bootstrap 5. Here you will learn to create amazing and modern web apps with the new CSS front-end framework. This Bootstrap 5 course is a complete bundle with more that 3+ live projects.
In the 5th Section you will learn about Adobe Dreamweaver CC. A application built and maintained y adobe to design and develop web design with ease. Basically you can build websites without code.
Then in the 6th Section you will learn to create dynamic and interactive web applications with Angular & React JS. As a project here you will learn to build a scratch pad app.
In the 7th section you will learn to about Python and Django. Python a a programming language used in many platforms where as Django is a Python Framework for Developing Dynamic Websites. Here as a project you will learn to create EMS – Employee management system from scratch.
Then in the 8th section you will learn to build dynamic websites with PHP and MySQL, with that you will also learn to work with CodeIgniter, a PHP and MySQL framework used to develop web applications.
In the 9th section you will learn about WordPress the most popular CMS Content Management System used to develop dynamic and more secure websites. Here you will learn to create a website from scratch and also you will learn WooCommerce, an extension to WordPress CMS for developing E-Commerce applications with payment gateway.
This course is a masterpiece and i really hope you like it. All the best.
Who this course is for:
Anyone who wants to learn Web Designing
Anyone who wants to learn Web Development
Anyone who is interested to build career in web development
Basic Computer Skills
PC with Internet Connectivity
Last Updated 4/2021