Comori ale muzicii lautaresti: Ion Petre Stoican

Label: Electrecord - EDC 877
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Ion Petre Stoican was one of the 'Lautari Mari' of the gypsy milleu of Bucharest in the seventies. His sound is slightly different than other renowned lautari violinists of the era (Florea Cioaca and Aurel Gore to name some of the most prominent) as he has a distinct 'rural' way of phrasing. Indeed, fans of Taraf de Haïdouks will reckognize quite a few licks and themes here and there. That being said, the sound of these recordings is unmistakably 'Lautareasca din Buchurestilui'-esque.
Aficionados will be pleased to note that Toni Iordache is behind the cymbalum - and has plenty of space to improvise.
It is also worth noting that Stoican, allthough a hillbilly nobody, having once caught a spy, was allowed to record by state officials, granting him the freedom to do as he pleased. While Aurel Gore might have been more of a virtous, he never had that kind of freedom when recording. It is especially audible in Toni's playing on the 77 session; There's a frivolous almost childish joy in his wild phrasings. Most evident of all is the use of handpicked bass lines - during the communist regime that was a nogo. Only contrabass played with arch was supposed to make it onto record.
Wikipedia does not include this Romanian compilation in their listed discography, nor do they get their facts straight when it comes to what recording is featured on which original record. I have endavoured to investigate the origins of all tracks on this compilation by comparing to my mp3 copies of both the two original vinyls + the 'sounds of a bygone age' release. In conclusion, this is the definitive collection, featuring everything found on his 1966 EP, 1977 LP, the Asphalt Tango compilation and an additional unacounted for 'Geamparalele'.
01. Hora lui Mihalea * $ ¤
02. Cantec de ascultare al lui Stoican Batranul $ ¤
03. Sarba * $ ¤
04. Sus din cer cade o stea (Cade steaua sus din cer) +
05. Melodie lautareasca si Hora ** +
06. Hora de la Oltenita (Hora de Joc de la Oltenita) * $ ¤
07. Ia-ti mireasa, ziua buna * ¤
08. Hora de la Constanta * $ ¤
09. Brau din Oltenita * ¤
10. Hora lui Sile (Melodia lui Sile) * +
11. Sarba de joc din Constanta * ¤
12. Hora lui Sile * $ ¤
13. Chiar daca dau de necaz * $ ¤
14. Hora de la Luceni * +
15. Mosule, te-as intreba * $ ¤
16. Hora de la Oltenita * $ ¤
17. Geamparalele ¤
18. Hora lui Sile * ¤
* Featured on Asphalt Tango's "Sounds of a Bygone Age Vol. 1."
** Special case - Only the last half of this track was included on "Sounds of a Bygone Age Vol. 1."
$ From the 1977 Electrecord LP, ST-EPE 02166 'Ion Petre Stoican muzica lautareasca'
+ Orchestra lui Gheorghe Zamfir / From the 4 track EP, originally released on Electrecord, c. 1966
¤ Orchestra de muzica populara, dirijor Ion Petre Stoican
Musicians (from wiki - incomplete and unclear as to who play on what track. [my brackets]):
Ion Petre Stoican - violin [and vocals !]
Nicu Sapteluni - violin
Marian Grigore - violin
Matei Niculescu - violin
Mihai "Rita" Gheorghe - double bass
Fane Negrila - doublebass
Ionica Minune - accordion
Viorel Fundament - accordion
Guta "Toi" Vasile - violin
Toni Iordache - cymbalom
Mieluta Bibescu - clarinet
Grigore Vasile - clarinet
Costel Vasilescu - trumpet
Nicu Manole - violin
As a footnote it might be worth mentioning that electrecords rendition of the 'mix' is somewhat different than that of Asphalt Tango's. Comparing the two I find the latter to be highly compressed which renders the cymbalum's percussive qualities less clear. The bass is further boosted cancelling out dynamic details of the cymbalum. For a 'western' audience this might be a more comfortable listening experience, but the fact is that the rythmic tension of this music is mainly driven by the cymbalum and the soloist. This edition is thus more 'true to the style'.
More info: [Beware of Ms. Information!]