Castle 2x19x20 HDTV Spanish
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The investigation into the shocking death of a museum curator, crushed by a falling gargoyle, takes a bizarre turn when Castle and Beckett learn that he isn’t the first member of a recent archeological expedition to die. It turns out there was a legend inscribed over the burial chamber the team unearthed warning that "all who gaze upon the face of the mummy are doomed." Was the curator just the latest victim of "The Mummy’s Curse?" And if so, what does that mean for Castle, who snuck a peek at the mummy when no one was looking? Files
DescriptionCon Beckett como su musa, Castle saca partido a su recién estrenada experiencia como detective para su último bestseller a punto de publicarse, Heat Wave. Pero en el final de la pasada temporada, Castle, desobedeciendo la orden de Beckett de estar alejado del caso aún no resuelto del asesinato de su madre, descubre nueva información que podría terminar con su relación para siempre.
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Torrent hash: 9E7110AB35B278ED6C8820E7CB5C027DB14AC1F5 |