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.: Plot :.
The Ultimate Western Spoof. A town where everyone seems to be named Johnson is in the way of the railroad. In order to grab their land, Hedley Lemar, a politically connected nasty person, sends in his henchmen to make the town unlivable. After the sheriff is killed, the town demands a new sheriff from the Governor. Hedley convinces him to send the town the first Black sheriff in the west. Bart is a sophisticated urbanite who will have some difficulty winning over the townspeople
.: Trama :.
Mezzogiorno e mezzo di fuoco è un film commedia di Mel Brooks, prodotto dalla Warner Bros nel 1974, con Cleavon Little e Gene Wilder. È una parodia del filone western, nonchè acuta satira sul razzismo. Il titolo italiano, che non ha nulla a che vedere con l'originale Blazing Saddles, si ispira palesemente al celebre Mezzogiorno di fuoco di Fred Zinnemann.
.: Locandina :.

.: Crediti :.
Titolo originale: Blazing Saddles
Paese: USA
Anno: 1974
Durata: 93'
Colore: colore
Genere: comico/western/demenziale
Regia: Mel Brooks
Soggetto: Andrew Bergman
Sceneggiatura: Mel Brooks
Fotografia: Joseph F. Biroc
Montaggio: Danford B. Greene, Danford B. Greene
Effetti speciali: Douglas Pettibone
Musiche: Mel Brooks, John Morris
Scenografia: Morris Hoffman
Cast: Cleavon Little: Bart
Gene Wilder: Jim (Waco Kid)
Slim Pickens: Taggart
David Huddleston: Olson Johnson
Liam Dunn: Reverendo Johnson
Alex Karras: Mongo
Mel Brooks: Governatore William J. LePetomaine, capo indiano, Aviatore nella fila di criminali
Harvey Korman: Hedley Lamarr
Madeline Kahn: Lili Von Shtupp
Premi: nomination all'Oscar alla migliore attrice non protagonista (Madeline Kahn), per il miglior montaggio e per la migliore colonna sonora.
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.: Dati tecnici del file :.
FourCC: DX50
Codec: DivX503b1328p
Resolution: [ Width: 640 Height: 256 ]
Frame Rate: 25.000 frames per second
The Video has 137235 frames [ 01:31:29 ]
Average Frame quality is HIGH [Average DRF/quantizer is 2.80]
Standard Deviation: Quality is HIGH [Std. Deviation is 0.41]
Image Resolution is HIGH
There are NO frame drops ( NO drops is better )
Recomended Resolution: [624x240] (Target DRF/quantizer=2.8)
Performance Caracteristics:
Macroblocks per frame: 640
The Width is multiple of 32
Kilobits per Second: 1707.39
Kilobits per Frame: 68.29
Kilobits per Macroblock: 0.107
Bits per Pixel: 0.43
Frame Type Statistics :
I Frames: 0.77%
P Frames: 99.23%
B Frames: 0.00%
S Frames: 0.00%
N Frames: 0.00%
(More Advanced Codecs use B and S frames)
Frame Quality Statistics :
DRF=1&2: 26630 19.6%
DRF=3: 108907 80.0%
DRF=4: 648 0.5%
DRF=5: 0 0.0%
DRF=6: 0 0.0%
DRF=7: 0 0.0%
DRF=8: 0 0.0%
DRF=9: 0 0.0%
DRF>9: 0 0.0%
KeyF/DeltaF: 0.77%
KeyDRF<4: 1050
KeyDRF=4: 0
KeyDRF>4: 0
AverageKeyDRF: 2.39
AverageDRF: 2.80
Deviation: 0.41